As someone that has been recovered from Ulcerative Colitis for over 10 years now, i sometimes find a bit of tough love necessary.
Its very easy to get overwhelmed with information and not taking any action, so below I wanted to set out a set of points that really helped me improve my gut health and become free from disease.
I hope it helps you too.
1.Sort out your diet.
This is often more tricky than it first seems. Do you do keto, vegan, paleo, low FODMAP etc.
My view is all of them have benefit and will also hold you back.
Your diet is bespoke to you and you will do well to do a basic elimination diet for around 21-30 days to start to work our trigger foods.
Then you can start to introduce 1 by 1. 90% don’t have the discipline to do this. Yet it’s basic and CHEAP to do.
2. Reduce Mental, emotional & physical stress
Most people lie to themselves and others about the stressors they are dealing with. You can’t hide from the fact suicide & depression are on the rise.
I’d highly advise a simple mindfulness practice of breathing to calm your nervous system. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.
Physical stress from the wrong exercise for you and long term injuries will also flair up IBS.
3. Hydration
People that struggle with IBS that leans towards constipation often poorly hydrate.
Just drinking 2-3 litres a day, contrary to popular does guarantee cell hydration. You require a good balance of minerals also.
Try adding a tiny pink of pink Himalayan salt to each litre of water. It should change the taste.
This is just 3 very simple tips that can make a great deal of difference when done together.
Many people will see progress with the above.
Yet, if you have hand on heart done the above and still struggle, there’s much more, like the 3 steps below.
4. Stop believing that what you have can’t be solved (even if you think you have tried everything)
I see this all the time and i get it, there are people that struggle with extremely tough cases of IBS & IBD.
TBH most people with IBD hate me grouping these together because IBD is a disease. Yet as someone that personally HAD IT, we still have to understand the VERY same principles to improve our health.
One of the biggest things holding people back is being a victim over the condition they face.
I tried 100 things before i found the right diet, supplements and lifestyle for me. AND it cost me thousands of pounds in the process which most of the time i didnt have.
Ask yourself this question ‘Can you see yourself living with this illness for life?’ <—- For me it was a 100% NO.
Thus i was willing to keep going and count even the smallest wins.
5. Understand the importance of testing.
over 90% of the people that we work with in health have testing with us and have infections.
Just today a lady shared some testing with me of a 3 year old that got sick on holiday and has both fungal & parasitic infections. This came simply from paddling in a fresh water lake.
In the modern world with our combination of high stress and ability to travel, we have become exposed to lots of infections that can provide the start point for triggering imbalance / illness.
Over and over, when we remove imbalances / infections we see peoples symptoms drastically improve.
Many people have had testing before and it come back ‘clean’, yet they still have symptoms. Heres the thing.
Not all testing is born equal, we use only the very best testing in the world that is proven to be consistent and accurate.
6. Don’t just run for supplements & drugs.
Sadly, people visit the doctors and are convinced that the only way to treat gut issues is with medication.
Yet they fail to tell you about the side effects and long term health issues that can come along with long term use.
If you truly want to get better, you have to take back control, start learning what works for your body and what doesnt.
This is our speciality.
Helping to empower people like you to take back their health and have a plan for life.
To wrap up.
I could write a whole book on WHY gut issues occur and what to do to improve them, yet its just more information.
What changed my life was ACTION & Consistency.
Sure it was really tough in the beginning but i would count my wins.
When i went from 20 times a day on the toilet 10, thats a win.
When i weened off medication, that was a win
When i stopped reacting to so many foods, that was a win.
Now, I’m 10 years symptom & medication free and help people like you do the SAME.
If you are ready, let us know. You can contact us here and have a free 15 minute consult with Cliff directly to help you.
Or if you want to see our success stories, go HERE