
We can't describe
it any other
way other than

A Wild(e) – all puns intended – ride, filtered through our core values and heavily influenced with our ARA way of life

What are these? What are the values? What is ARA? Let us explain…

All of us at the Unlimited Life help you understand what happiness, success and fulfilment mean to YOU! We are not therapists and you do not come to us because you think you are broken, because you think there are things to fix in your life. Sure, you may want to get better. You may want to improve.

Yet fundamentally you do it because you want to grow and expand. You want to be even greater. You want to be a better version of you for yourself, your family, your loved ones. And even if things don’t go as well as you may have planned, you know that the moments of challenge and hardship are the ultimate springboard to your success.

We know it may sound challenging to grasp. Trust us, we’ve been there! For years, we thought we needed fixing. For years, we believed we were somehow incomplete. That we needed this fix, this formula or that method to be ok, to feel enough. The more you believe you need to be fixed, the more you push your fulfilment away. Why? Simply because you can never get there!

If you feel you need fixing, you can’t just get fixed and live happily ever after.

Your purpose is fixing – so when you get fixed, you lose it! You also lose your identity. So that’s why as soon as you feel you’re no longer broken, you will immediately find another gap to fill in, another reason to keep fixing, another thing that is wrong with you. It’s never ending and a vicious cycle. Sounds exhausting, we know. So, let me explain, why what we do is so DIFFERENT!

We do not fix you. We do not repair anything. We GUIDE and ENABLE. And that is THE JOURNEY. If you want to feel happy, to feel successful in life, to feel fulfilled... The ARA way of life is where you get to start on this journey


is your first step, as without awareness of a problem, of something you want to change or improve on, you cannot begin to explore solutions, you don’t know what you don’t know, yet when you do, you move on to your second step and that is


this is the most often missed step, in any ‘formula’, ‘prescription’ or ‘method’. Most jump from awareness to action on a motivation high and then crash painfully when that kick quickly expires. Without personal responsibility, you are powerless to change and play the victim, you believe life happens to you and that you can’t do anything about it. Yet when you understand the power of your own choice and interpretation, the magical doors to change begin to open. The dam bursts and you’re on your way to the 3rd and most important step that is


aligned action, simply means that you do something different to achieve different results, to be different, to feel different to what you have been so far as otherwise you will forever go round in circles, you’ll keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results – isn’t that what insanity is like Einstein was saying?

It is our job to help you explore and expand your awareness. It is our job to help you learn what true responsibility is. And it is our job to help you realise what your next steps and actions are. And remember – that the third step – to complete this equation – the ACTION is always down to you! As we can’t do that for you. Can you see that this path of exploration and self-improvement isn’t for those that believe they are broken? We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. We’re not therapists, we’re your guides and your mentors. Think of this path a little like your career enhancement.

Let’s say you’re an engineer or a doctor, or you work in any other profession in fact and you want to learn more about it. You want to know all the ins and all the outs of it. You want to keep learning as you just know that this improvement will improve your service, your product, your outcome. And as a result of that your livelihood and your day to day experience.

Working with us is just like that – and your career is your own life and its various aspects. You embark on this journey, you say YES and you jump right in it, because you want to learn how to become even better. How to feel like the best version of you. Always and in all ways, regardless of who you are and what you do for that matter! Everything that we do here. Everything in The Journey of The Cliff and Marta Experience always filters through our core values:


We believe that honest expression is fundamental in a journey to a truly Unlimited Life. We embrace the power of expressing our deepest desires, dreams and ambitions to the Universe. We are committed to empowering others to hear their inner and outer voices. We guide you on a journey of discovering and expressing your truth.

We inspire, motivate and live our own truth through our personal expression. We are not afraid to speak our innermost true thoughts and constantly strive to educate, inspire and motivate others through our own experiences and honest expression. We do not self-edit, hold back or fear judgement in our language and actions. Expect profanity! It’s fucking powerful.


The journey to the Unlimited Life starts with accepting responsibility for your own reality. Past experiences in our lives are accepted. We take responsibility for the way we choose to feel around old stories and know that honouring their existence is an opportunity to grow and experience powerful breakthroughs. We believe in cultivating a culture of self-responsibility. Our community is offered the safest of spaces to explore self-responsibility for their thoughts, actions and circumstances that will allow the floodgates of abundance to open.

We shine a light on responsibility as the pathway to understanding that you can ‘have it all’ and all possibilities are open to you, if you are open to them. Everyone has equal opportunities to thrive into a truly unlimited life of possibilities that will excite, thrill and fulfil you.


We continue to cultivate a community environment built on integrity with two meanings:

1. Integrity in our truth

2. Integrity as a unified and strong community

We lead by example with clear communication; in good times and bad. We are brave and openly share our vulnerability. In doing so, we always empower our community to discover and express their own truth. We are committed to confidentiality, while not compromising our value of expression. While we encourage our community to hear and raise its voice, we understand the importance of confidentiality and maintaining a safe, trustworthy and professional space. We believe in the power of a strong, unified community and continue to nurture the connections with our clients, coaches and collaborative partners, always showing up as our truest selves.

Now, we acknowledge that you might have already implemented some of these in your life and that is AMAZING, that’s why you are here. Because you GET IT! You may just feel a bit lost and require guidance. In everything that we do there’s no guess work, just clarity.

We work with individuals, real people – not numbers! All solutions, guidance and projects that you embark on with us, will be built based on communication between us and YOU – the real person - the client. And finally, please consider this…

'How you do one thing is how you do everything'

This saying truly changed the paths of our lives, and we would ask you to consider its relevance for YOU and your life as you are here for a reason. We guide you in all areas of life, including relationships, business, health – you name it. Yet two things are ALWAYS relevant in all areas:

