Here’s WHY The Health & Wellness Space SUCKS Most Of The Time…
(And 5 things we do to help frustrated clients)
It’s a little rant but you might learn something about your own health and body…
Today, I sat down with a big, strong dude, who on the outside looks fine.
Yet, he reached out to me after hearing about the work I have done with others on their health.
I asked him to describe what was happening for him and what he has done to date to remedy it.
The smile dropped from his face as he started to recall where all this started 5 years ago.
Some simple nerve pain in his face, progressed to issues with nerves in his hands and feet.
After MRI which was inconclusive, they mentioned a lesion in the brain, which could signify MS.
That’s just standard conventional medicine, of which I don’t have the beef with.
He intuitively knew the tests and drugs they were offering in the conventional realm were silly, masking a deeper issue.
So he started to research and look on forums for answers to the symptoms he faced.
During this time, symptoms were progressing and anxiety and panic were added to the list of issues faced.
Over the years he had countless blood tests, with practitioners telling him he had all sorts of issues…
From lyme disease and co-infections to neurological disorders.
He spent thousands on consulting, tests and supplements but sat in front of me feeling worse than he has since the start of all this.
So much so, thinking he wanted to just give up.
So why does the health & wellness industry suck most of the time?
They FAIL over and over to treat someone as an individual.
Most just see someone as a set of symptoms and protocols.
Telling the person that THIS test will solve it all for you.
It’s the reason I don’t specialise in a single area, it creates too many biases.
Honestly, I could bitch and moan hugely about how he has been failed but it’s pointless, I’d rather just help him feel better.
And here’s how that will happen.
1. Full case history.
Just in our chat today we identified events and triggers he hadn’t considered or been asked about.
That gives us a greater picture to work with.
2. We overview all past tests to see the patterns that emerge and what is relevant to his personal picture to get better.
Most blood tests are rubbish sadly, thus it takes much better quality tests / labs to ensure accurate answers.
3. We work top down.
It doesn’t matter of you have a parasite, a neurological disease or other, until you can get the system of the body firing, you’ll never heal anything long term.
You’ll forever be relying on supplements and restrictive diets to feel better short term.
4. We optimise the mind and body.
Everyone has junk in their mind, emotions they haven’t dealt with and stress that can overwhelm.
If you don’t acknowledge the role of the mind in the health of the physical body, it’s destined to fail.
5. Always review progress.
Even in the WORST cases there should be improvements within 3 weeks. This doesn’t mean total reversal, it means change.
That change might be better energy, waking up feeling better or simply feeling less shit.
Yet if there is no change, good or bad. Something is being missed.
So, if you are reading this and feel on a hamster wheel of health issues, struggling with your emotions or life.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions of the people that help you.
It’s imperative that you are seeing the roadmap of where you are going and how progress is being met.
If you have had testing, stuck to the diet, taken the supplements and still no change.
The answer ISN’T more testing.
The answer is to ask, WHAT are we missing from the foundations.
Some foundations are :
Circadian Rhythm
Blood Glucose Management
Emotional Stress
If you run to supplements, testing and protocols without doing the above FIRST,
It’s a place of frustration,
Just like the new client that saw me today.
As ever, if you are frustrated, stuck, ready to finally have answers and be free of struggle and pain.
I’m here.
I have space for some 1-2-1 days with me in person and/or online
Plus we have some spaces for highly driven achievers in our high end 1-2-1 6 month consulting.