The body and mind can’t ever be separated when dealing with health
We’ve said it time and time again
Over and over
You’ve heard it
You (kinda) know it
(Or maybe not…?)
I still remember the times when both Cliff and I solely focused on the physical
Circa 10 years ago
Everything we’ve learnt was so powerful for us to first test out on ourselves and then implement with our clients
We were already known as ‘the gut people’
Yet the game changed hugely for us, when I stepped into the realms of human emotions, the human mind, and the energy around it.
Around November time, 2013, at a seminar with our very first mentors
We learnt about a ‘belief cycle’
How our human minds create stories, that then dictate our behaviours
Soon after I realised how much that affected our physical body…The rest is history!
What you see now as a result of the work we both do with our clients is hours upon hours of study and implementation
Both in our own personal experiences and those of our clients that follow closely after
Everything we do with you guys – we would have personally experienced somehow and somewhere in our lives and with our own personal health
The exact circumstances or symptoms may not be exactly the same…
Yet the underlying essence of it always comes back to bringing the body and mind back home to each other…
Over the years C and I have learnt to beautifully balance the way we work with our clients.
It’s taken time, commitment and dedication to understand that sometimes it’s him who’s at the forefront, working away on the physical, and another time it will be me for a while, before someone opens up to the physiology behind their emotional symptoms.
As see… very often when clients come to us, they’re heavily leaning towards one side or the other
And that’s cool as at least their awareness allows them to recognise that something needs changing
That their health, their life is not in a place they desire for it to be
And it’s down to us to figure out how to best guide them
It’s always a two way stream, and you can’t separate it…
Well… you can, yet it won’t get you to the place you desire to be in long term
Something will always give, as you won’t understand or you’d simply dismiss the other aspect
M x