You probably think I’ve got all my shit together…You do right?
I know you do… Don’t you? Well…That’s likely… As if you’ve been watching my life from the side lines… It looks pretty fucking awesome doesn’t it?
And it is!
Yet I quite often find myself challenged and challenged is a polite and (very) toned down version of a fucking Armageddon like shitstorm that envelops my life at points
I keep saying to everyone that I feel like I’ve finally grown up. While still being childlike but not childish. They say life gets better after 30 and as a kid I thought they were full of shit. Now I honour them and in fact the better it gets, the better it gets. I just can’t say it in any other way
Do you get it?
So back to shitstorms and what I do in those moments (and now I am waaaay more at peace and take it easy, one breath after another, while it used to be major freak outs!)
Whenever a shitstorm occurred I used to feel so alone with it all. Have you felt that way before?
I am sure you did…And you probably thought the same messed up thoughts too right?
I used to think I am fucked up in some way and that it’s only me feeling this way, and I better do something about it
And yet
The more successful creators I speak to the more people that choose to create their life on their own terms I get to know
The more I realise that we’re all like that we all have our own challenges and our own frustrations. We all have our own fears and our own stories to navigate daily.
And you know what
It’s not even just the successful and driven entrepreneurs and business owners. It’s not just those that most of the world look up to… It’s all of us humans. We all experience those things daily. Moment to moment…YET!
I notice a significant difference between those that create effortlessly. Those that live the lives of their dreams (whatever that means!)
And those that blame the society, the world, the outside circumstance for their downfall. I’ve been there and done it, and I’ve felt the difference… And holy shitballs is it powerful!
Those that create, express and claim their lives as their own creation… They embrace their own demons, they turn them into their allies, they work with them, they learn from them and they use them as their greatest feedback.
And over the years of my personal exploration I’ve noticed the difference in my own behaviours. From an angry little shit (told you!) throwing her toys out the pram that used to point fingers and blame the whole world for her situation. I now really get that I’ve created it all to live my life the way I do now and those 3 things that I mentioned earlier are crucial for me to embrace my power. DAILY! Every day… In some form, one or another!
And that’s something that initially didn’t come easy
As being on my own used to mean lonely…
The little girl that missed her dad not being home as he was out drinking. Missing her mum, that even though she was home with her, making ends meet, she never really spoke to her, never opened up about her feelings. I hated being all on my own. I felt on my own even within a crowd at points
And I hated it!
Now…If I don’t get to spend time on my own daily.. I get cranky, I get frustrated, I feel suffocated. As I understand that my soul and my whole being recalibrate and get back on point in that time. My greatest ideas, creations and inspiration come through in those moments and now I also know that really.
In the past I was just too afraid to truly face my own power
E-motion = energy in motion⚡️
When it sits still, it feels dense and heavy. I choose to feel light
So, I move the fucker… Regardless of whether it serves me to dissolve a heavy cloud ☁ Or to channel my highest excitement
It grounds me. It lets me get back to myself and my truth. And that can come in so many ways. I never insist on it looking a certain way anymore (and boy did I use to!) I’ve learnt my lesson through not listening.
I spent years in pain and being constantly exhausted, thinking I was doing all the ‘right’ things. While I was lovingly fucking myself over.
Now, I wake up and I ask my body ‘What do you want to do today?’ ‘How shall we move?’ I tune in and then I follow the guidance. Movement can be anything for me, from a morning yoga class or a self practice, gym workout, golf, beach run or walk or an evening yin practice. I no longer label shit. I just tune in and listen!
And then:
Always, daily, in one way or another!
I write a lot, click clacking on my keyboard keys or with a fountain pen in my journal
And if I don’t.. I get cranky! My soul speaks through me through my creation and writing
I also paint
I speak
And I listen
I study. I geek out. I have nerdy conversations and sometimes I may just sit and meditate in silence
I’ve long gone past the point where I label things appropriate
All my expression, just like movement is following my inner guidance. I tune in and I ask myself. What feels good to do today? And then I go do it and I feel myself float back into alignment with my own desires, my happy place and my lightness.
Not my BS stories and limitations
As I may as well and I am sometimes aligned to those. And it feels freaking awful. And you know what?
Navigating those daily actions is an art in itself
And it’s only from that place that I make any business and growth decisions
From the ground that I’ve created myself. The foundation that I’ve laid through following my own inner guidance fully. By going with my inner whisper sourcing inspiration from what’s already there. It always has been! And even it at points I may think I have to do it their way and not mine for me to have the results I desire
I tune the fuck up and check myself as I’ve learned that no one
Remember NO ONE!
Can ever know better than you – EVER!
And this is the art of trusting yourself
And creating your own world by your own design and desire
Knowing that the outside world serves as a giant projector screen and a mirror
And yet… You can only ever source inspiration from it and not blindly follow
As you then end up living somebody else’s dream
And not your own deepest and magical desires