It’s fascinating how quickly moments of pure CONSCIOUSNESS
Can be followed by CONDITIONS and PROJECTIONS of past fears into the perceived future…
All based on our old bullshit BELIEFS and STORIES that we CHOOSE to tell ourselves…
Moments of intense GROWTH are always followed by what looks like the same old SHIT showing up
And how we CHOOSE to respond is what we invite next into our physical REALITY as an experience
The perceived SHIT moments are a perfect confirmation of the growth we are going through
And the perfect OPPORTUNITY for us to realign our reality to the new conscious desire and action.
We live in a PHYSICAL world on this planet and our physical reality does not change because of our perceived EMOTIONAL SHIFT
For CHANGE to truly occur and show up as our new reality in this world one more factor is required
An inspired action that confirms our shift to the universal forces around us.
Inspired action that confirms our TRUE ALIGNMENT to the new awareness that we’ve gained during our continuous growth.
Your REALITY WON’T CHANGE just because you THOUGHT or FELT different
Your physical reality will only change when you ACT different
Different to all previous attempts to do the same thing over and over and achieve a different results
That’s INSANITY -we all know that!
There are only 2 ways we can ever RESPOND to the SHIT showing up aftermath of our growth spur
We can choose GROW AND EXPAND with it and effortlessly continue to flow with our experiences
Or we can choose to SHRINK, to continue to play the victim of circumstance
To think we’re UNWORTHY, which is the biggest universal lie I have ever heard of
You’re simply WORTHY just because you exist as there is no random creation EVER!
So what do YOU choose when your shit shows up?
Do you GROW and EXPAND?
Or do you PULL AWAY and SHRINK?
M x