Do you know that you’ll always find a way to do whatever you need to do in your life?
Regardless of how easy or challenging something may seem
Your mind and body are amazing at pulling out an answer, a solution, an outcome
Quite often shall I say
Those solutions will be nothing more than just a bundle of what you’ve learnt before mashed up together to get to your outcome
By hook or by crook
You’ll get there!
Is it possible that there is a
More efficient
More effective
Way of getting where you want to get to?
Of course there is!
There’s a price tag on that one!
Awareness, responsibility and then different action
And all that while being right here in this moment
That’s what it costs…
Are you prepared to invest the time to be present?
Are you prepared to do things differently?
Even though it may feel harder and a long winded way initially?
It takes commitment to figure out a way that works best
As by now
You’ll have a whole load of pre programmed responses, patterns, ways to go about things in life
And when you want to change something in your life
It feels hard right?
But does it have to?
See, I had my second golf lesson this morning
I was so freaking proud of myself for how good I’ve been hitting the ball in my own practice
And so was my coach
He, as a golf pro
Was able to instantly see how and why the ball wasn’t going as far as it could
Or how it could go even higher
Or how I could improve the direction of it
My swing after the first lesson and a couple of practice sessions I did in between
Was a collection of pre learnt movement patterns
That weren’t a golf swing
Some from weightlifting
Some from other sports and activities
My body moves well
It’s never really done a proper golf swing before
So it did what it could
With the information it had from the actions that seemed similar to this one
And it put it all together in a mashed up way to get my desired result
To swing the freaking club and to hit the ball
Easy right?
With the patience and presence I was willing to invest in what I was doing
With the advice of the dude that’s a pro at this game
With a few tweaks
By the end of the lesson
I was hitting the ball way further and straighter
Yet the freaking bit in the middle
Making the adjustment
Implementing changes
Hitting (or attempting to ????) the ball differently
Boy did I at points want to smash the club on the floor and launch the balls at my teacher
Yet I laughed and smiled instead
Saying to my coach Rob
How much golf is like life
How when you’re aware of what you don’t want anymore (certain bits of my swing)
You get the awareness (you know what you want to change)
You then take responsibility for it (take on board my coach’s advice in this instance)
And then you get to move to step 3 – implement the freaking action!
The different and modified action
You get to do something different to get a different result yeah?
And for me today it was breaking down my swing into pieces
And putting it back together
The thing is – this shit applies to EVERYTHING in life
When you want to change your business, your body, your relationship
When you want to change how you look at things
You break the way you went about it into pieces
And you put the freaking thing back together again
Just in the order that you more prefer in this moment
Sometimes you’ll breeze through it
And sometimes
You’d want to throw the toys out the pram and give in before you even started
It’ll feel hard
It’ll seem pointless
You had an ok-ish result before after all right?
So why change things…
The question here is
What do you prefer?
What do you choose?
And what do you want to commit yourself to?
A shitty swing that gets the ball up in the air ok yet only to a very limited distance
Which will of course massively affect the long game
(I’d not be able to get on the course a play a game with a swing like that, it’d take me days to walk the whole course lol, and that’s if I haven’t lost my ball several times in the meantime!)
Or practice, commitment and dedication
To an outcome that you DO prefer
That lets you play a good game
That gives you an even greater, more epic and more fulfilling result
And feel freaking awesome as a result of that as a bonus?!
M x