March 4, 2020

Welcome, It sucks to wake up tired, overwhelmed and like life is passing you by. Even worse is when you know you need to get things done but your mind feels full of fog and overwhelm. In this new training, Cliff will show you 5 key upgrades to quickly shift how you think and feel. If you would like to learn more how we could help you solve your health issues long term, Click HERE to apply for a FREE 15 minute consultation. The purpose of this 15 minute call is to get clear on 3 things. 1. Where you problem is coming from 2. Why you haven’t yet solved your health & mood issues yet. 3. What key actions […]
January 25, 2022

What do you do when you have a ‘SLOW MOMENT’? Is your first reaction, first thought to run from it? To get back into your creative zone where you just feel on top of the world busting out epicness left, right and centre? What if those moments that you fear the most were there for a reason? A chemical response of your body when it requires to recharge and recuperate? Think of ocean tides, Think of night and day, Think of the seasons… Nature knows how to effortlessly move in and out of creation How to give and receive And so do YOU As you, yourself are part of nature Most of the time you forgot that this in fact […]
January 17, 2022

Isn’t it interesting how suddenly almost at a click of a finger Everything makes sense You look back and think How the fuck did I not see this before? Well…You couldn’t! The dots always connect looking back And never looking forward The question is: Are you trusting yourself? Are you in the place of knowing? That this is exactly how this thing we call life goes… As if you are If you’re trusting or simply knowing…You’re in for an epic and adventurous ride! Filled with sparkling curiosity and luscious wonder As even in the darkest hours, in the greatest challenge.. You deep down know that one day. One moment… It’ll all go… Poof…Shazam It all clicks into place And if […]
January 12, 2022

Cliff and I talk about it a lot and a client asked this question And here’s my response DETACHMENT FROM AN OUTCOME The quickest and easiest way is to understand that when we insist on a very specific outcome, i.e. that a client can only come from one source not another, for example ‘I am running a workshop, therefore clients will sign up as a result of that’ and then when they don’t you feel like a failure… Is it possible that people can come from a totally different source as a result of you loving this workshop and delivering it and being so in tune with your genius and energetically aligned so you can’t help but pull people towards […]
January 4, 2022

You can’t ‘cure’ an autoimmune disease… …but it can get in long term, symptom free remission If you know the 7 main triggers. I see so much BS on the internet and fundamental lack of understanding of what a autoimmune disease is. When you trigger a autoimmune disease which is clinically recognised, that’s stage 3. You have lost ‘tolerance’ to that tissue and it’s never coming back. I learnt it the hard way. Yet, what people with autoimmune don’t know is that there is also stage 1 and stage 2. Stage 1 being ‘silent’ – this stage you have antibodies being produced but there is no tissue damage, thus no symptoms. In stage 2, you have antibodies and symptoms but […]
December 27, 2021

Do you have the courage to open yourself up to your thoughts? Do you have the courage to open yourself up to your feelings? Do you have the courage to open yourself up to your emotions? All of it… And I mean EVERYTHING! Doesn’t it look overwhelming just looking at it all? Let alone open yourself up to it… Haven’t you been just so protective of Your space Your energy Your thoughts, feelings, emotions… And what if? Just what if… You were to let it rip And wash over you Swallow you whole Chew and spit you out Your thoughts Your feelings Your emotions Would you dare to let your guard down To see what the other side holds for […]
December 21, 2021

FLOW…THE BIGGEST CON OF OUR TIMES Did that catch your attention? Good Let me share with you a tale of how a humongous industry has been built Around the most natural of human states… FLOW the mystical, the shamanic, the magical most precious and sought after states Is available to you and you and you and you too Wait for it…………..ON TAP! At a click of a finger Just because. And there’s no need for: – outside circumstances – pharmaceutical substances – and technological advances To allow you to be in your most natural always available state as a human being A bit of a shocker ain’t it? As up until now you’ve likely considered Only a small selected group […]
December 8, 2021

How’s that working out for you? Seriously…I am curious! Everything we’ve ever wanted is a state of BEING. Not a state of DOING And not a state of HAVING Doing and having comes as a result of being first. It is a FEELING that we’re after. Not an object or an action of getting it. Think about it… You’d have heard me quote Eckhart Tolle before and his war mindset understanding, that when you focus on fighting.. You have to have a reason to fight, otherwise the point of your life becomes nonsensical And nonsensical is the biggest threat to our identity. It’s the death of it. The death of you. So now, think about this for a moment. Or […]
November 29, 2021

You can only ever see 2 things in front of you: PROBLEMS or OPPORTUNITIES And it’s only YOU who can choose which one! ALIGNMENT! The fact is – we are ALWAYS ALIGNED to something! Whether it serves us or not is a different story. 99% of human population will (unconsciously) choose to stay aligned to their fucking bullshit stories And playing the victim, thinking that life happens to them and that’s just the way it is I SAY FUCK THAT!!!! Are you with me? Yes? Ok, so now repeat out loud: FUCK THAT! I am NOW choosing to take back my POWER and decide what it is I see in front of me! Problems or opportunities… Our PERCEPTION has nothing […]
November 22, 2021

As it was my day of birth yesterday, it threw me a little into reflection. This year has been one of my busiest, and it’s also been one of the worst years in my health for around 12 years. Yet, the two are not as entwined as it might look. Many get busy and sacrifice their health, yet I have aimed to do the opposite. Yet here I am, being brutally honest, not in a good place. Reacting to over 100 foods, Sensitive to chemical smells, Even putting the washing out sets off runny nose / eyes. Brain is limited to a couple of hours of productive work a day. Now this might seem weird coming from the guy that […]
November 15, 2021

I’m grieving my island life… Tears were to flow and all feels were to be had in the middle of my very basic workout (as I can’t do much more atm) that in the past would have been my warm up… So I let go and surrendered What else is an option? I’m grieving the sun as my capacity is minimal I’m grieving the sea waves and the breeze as my breathing is laboured I’m grieving my donkey friend who I’ll miss dearly, my friends, connections and everything this island has gifted us over the years of coming and going And more than anything I’m grieving our beautiful house, the garden the stunning pool I got to swim in SO […]
November 1, 2021

It’s Time To Admit To Myself How Much My Work Affects My Health. The last week has been freeing and quite uncomfortable also. This year I have been blessed to work with some truly brilliant people. What some of you might not know is that I have been dealing with neurological autoimmunity. Long story short, it severely reduces my capacity to concentrate for long periods of time and focus. Thus, the combination of a very busy year and this being present has taken a lot out of me personally. Just this week I hired likely one of only 2 doctors in the world I would trust in this area to help me. I know what to do, I just right […]
October 25, 2021

Do you know that you’ll always find a way to do whatever you need to do in your life? Regardless of how easy or challenging something may seem Your mind and body are amazing at pulling out an answer, a solution, an outcome Sometimes… Quite often shall I say that those solutions will be nothing more than just a bundle of what you’ve learnt before mashed up together to get to your outcome By hook or by crook You’ll get there! YET! Is it possible that there is a Quicker/ Easier/ More efficient/ More effective way of getting where you want to get to? Of course there is! Yet… there’s a price tag on that one! Awareness, responsibility and then […]
October 13, 2021

Cliché I know but hear me out here… It was our 12 year anniversary on Friday… I wrote 10 lessons for 10 years (2 years ago)… FB kindly reminded me So I dropped in a couple more for good measures Seriously! If you can apply those in your relationship, you are winning! Winning at life … and sanity! As without all of these, Cliff and I would definitely not be here celebrating… 1. COMMUNICATE I wrote about this several times before in much detail… If you ain’t in the game of talking, you better get practicing or you’re setting yourself up for a painful failure. Nothing can take you through challenge and crisis (and you won’t and can’t avoid these […]
October 4, 2021

Or even you? Maybe it’s a deeper issue at play. Did you know that dopamine regulates our motivation and desire to move towards results? Sure you did. But maybe you might not know that dopamine has a base level which fluctuates based on past exposures. So, the more ‘peaks’ people are having (chasing the feel good), The lower we go on baseline as a way to compensate. Think of this example. Before the gym, People might have a coffee which has an effect on up regulating dopamine receptors. Then the coffee doesn’t cut it anymore, So they load up on a pre-workout. Then it’s music to get them revved up in a workout. All these things lead to peaks in […]
September 27, 2021

YOUR ENVIRONMENT and THE PEOPLE you surround yourself with became obvious Oh, and our PERCEPTION of the PAIN or PLEASURE feeling that we’re finding ourselves in I remembered I wrote about this before Did some digging Found it And here it is…… PAIN… A situation you’re facing is making you uncomfortable, lost and often freaking angry You have two choices…Stay where you are and continue to suffer OR Reach out for help, a sounding board and a mirror to see your situation in a different light A light that makes you realise, that the only reason you’re experiencing pain is the interpretation of the situation you find yourself in NO PAIN IN THIS WORLD COMES FROM THE SITUATION YOU’RE FACING […]
September 24, 2021

What would you say if I told you that you’re ALWAYS WORTHY ALWAYS LOVE YOURSELF and ALWAYS TRUST and ARE TRUSTING? Would you call BULLSHIT on me? Would you tell me that’s not possible because of x, y and z? Well… Let me share something with you! It’s simply IMPOSSIBLE to NOT BE ALWAYS WORTHY ALWAYS LOVING YOURSELF and ALWAYS TRUST and BE TRUSTING The simple laws of this universe always ensure that You’re always fully worthy JUST BECAUSE YOU EXIST (there’s never any random creation) The STORY you tell yourself as to whether: you’re WORTHY of your UNLIMITED LIFE or PAIN, SETTLE and SACRIFICE – is YOUR CHOICE however You’re always LOVING yourself and are LOVED, for love is […]
September 8, 2021

Why upgrading your train (of thought) is important…? Are you so focused on where you are and why you are there that you forget where it is that you’re actually going? I had a moment a few years back during a giant layover in Madrid, you know when the penny drops and it takes you back for a moment? Yeah one of those… And back then I realised that my life got way easier and more effortless when I stopped focusing so much on why I was in that moment and actually directed my attention (and intention) to my inner world and next step that felt good and exciting And again, like with everything else that spans across the whole […]
August 30, 2021

Your ENVIRONMENT and REALITY are a direct REFLECTION of the content of your THOUGHTS. Whatever you SEE or EXPERIENCE is always there for a REASON and at the right TIME. And it is there as a result of your THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS taken prior to what’s occurring right now. Can you see that? Diving deeper into this concept is the foundation of our work with our clients. It applies to every aspect of your life. What you’ve been thinking, speaking about and doing over the last week, month, year… is showing up as results in your life right now On all levels! Health Love Business/Career Body Money Energy EVERYTHING! How you CHOOSE to INTERPRET and RESPOND to it, Dictates […]