August 23, 2021

If you are a lady that has hypo thyroid (or think you do).. It’s imperative to tested for autoimmune. Did you know over 90% of women that have low thyroid have incidence of autoimmune? Many worry about the varying symptoms, Fatigue Depression Weight gain To name a few… What many don’t realise is that an uncontrolled thyroid condition is likely leading to cognitive decline in years to come. The thyroid regulates many functions in the brain and if you continue to have low thyroid output, brain tissue, like other tissues of the body will atrophy. Memory becomes an issue, Cognitive fatigue increases to the point you can’t even remember a page of a book. So the take away, If you […]
August 16, 2021

So this trip has been quite emotional… Coming back to my hometown after almost 2 years of not being able to visit Spending hours chatting to my mum and nephew (while Cliff was having some quality quiet time in the background, probably investing in crypto and checking out apartments for us to rent for next summer – maybe ) Then realising that last week it has actually been 17 years since I left home for a year Got on a 26hr bus ride to London with 2 bags and £300 in my pocket With a conversion rate between PLN to GBP being 7:1 you can tell it wasn’t much No job and no place to live… Just an awareness that […]
August 9, 2021

THE SCARS YOU SEE ARE THE RESULT OF EXTERNAL WOUNDS THAT HEALED, YET THIS ISNT ABOUT THOSE ‘WOUNDS’ …(Wrote this 3 years ago, well worth re-visiting) Take a look at the picture above, what do you see? Do you see imbalance, do you see scars, do you see anything else? The scars on my back are a marker of the journey I have been on and NOT the result of a journey I have been on. These scars are a part of me but they are not who I am. And these are just a few that I have, The 6 inch scar on my head from the brain tumour, The 2 inch scar on my leg from barb wire […]
August 3, 2021

4 Rules You Must Follow Before You Do Intermittent Fasting… It’s Super fashionable these days to do time restricted eating and there are all sorts of claims of benefits, some more proven than others. What I always say to clients (especially women) is that not everyone is ready for it, or benefits from it. In fact, it’s been seen on Dexa scans people maintaining weight over a year period but body fat levels WAY up. Which is pretty much the opposite of why people likely do it. In reality if your body is working well, its a great tool. When your body is not working well, it’s a disaster. So here are 4 rules you MUST obey BEFORE you start […]
July 26, 2021

Speaking to someone recently who finds it hard to switch off and when they do get time to, they feel anxious. This is common. There is a ‘mindset’ element to this and a biological element to it also. We as humans have the ability to ‘label’ things good and bad. When a feeling comes up that isn’t something we have LEARNT is good, we label it ‘bad’ or wrong and often pick up a phone, watch TV or eat to hopefully silence said feeling. Maybe it works in short term, but it will come back and over time, you become afraid of it. You start to make associations about being ‘alone’ and feeling anxious etc Yet what really is that […]
July 19, 2021

Trauma isn’t what happened to us, It’s what happens in our body as a result what happened to us These words by Gabor Maté resonate so deep! All puns intended as… …funny, not funny that it’s in the depths of our bodies that the results of our life’s experiences show up as dis-ease or seemingly unexplainable symptoms If you knew that hypothyroidism is often driven by unexpressed creativity, losing touch with our heart’s desires or feeling stifled…Would you approach your healing differently? If you knew that your gut stores suppressed fears and insecurities, often shut down anger…Would you approach your healing differently? If you knew that nerve pain often refers to your need for nurturing yourself and shows you that […]
July 12, 2021

Its presence is going to make all you do feel overwhelming. One thing I feel as a pattern is irrational fear. Now you have ‘rational fear’ – the life saving form of fear that triggers the fight or flight response. It helps to make ‘in the moment decisions’ about where we are safe or not. Irrational fear on the other hand is when we take a fear and blow it up with our psyche. We run to the worse case scenarios and it can feel like the world is coming crashing down. Yet in reality this will never happen. When have you actually ever fully lived out these irrational fears? Whether it be in Love, Money, Business, Family etc? I […]
July 6, 2021

You probably think I’ve got all my shit together…You do right? I know you do… Don’t you? Well…That’s likely… As if you’ve been watching my life from the side lines… It looks pretty fucking awesome doesn’t it? And it is! Yet I quite often find myself challenged and challenged is a polite and (very) toned down version of a fucking Armageddon like shitstorm that envelops my life at points I keep saying to everyone that I feel like I’ve finally grown up. While still being childlike but not childish. They say life gets better after 30 and as a kid I thought they were full of shit. Now I honour them and in fact the better it gets, the better […]
June 29, 2021

Do you know you’re MAGICAL MESMERISING BREATHTAKING? Yeah I know…I sometimes too think it’s all bull…YET! What I realised Somewhere along this path of self exploration That the more I seek those feelings outside of myself The more I realise that I can’t find them anywhere But within And those days and moments When I forget my magic Holy shit do I hurt and feel miserable Those paradise destinations Those honeymoon moments Those bestest ever meals that you’ve had Did you notice that they don’t just do the same thing the second and third and fourth time round Ever…? Why is that? Did you just get bored? Was it just the novelty of it? Did you get numb to the […]
June 22, 2021

When you throw your arms up in despair And exclaim FFS please just SHOW ME… Are you actually ready to see it? You feel blocked You feel defeated You feel you’ve done all the fucking work And got nothing to show for it You suffer and struggle your way through life wondering if it’s ever going to change And you throw your arms up in the air And scream in despair ‘Oh please, just please show me what stops me… Show me all my blocks Show me all my limits…’ And then you do what…? What is it that you actually do? Go right fucking back to going through the motions Right back to the same fucking thing you did […]
June 14, 2021

About Autoimmune… Firstly there are many triggers to be aware of and it only takes 1 to be out of alignment for everything to end in a flare up. So these are what I work with clients on. 1. Oral tolerance. Many have issues with lots of foods. As soon as they eat they have reactions like bloating, pain, brain fog or worse. This is because immature immune cells are being exposed. 2. Chemical tolerance. If you struggle with scents like candles, petrol, perfume, there’s a reason. This further shows immune imbalance and it’s important not just to remove the triggers but work on immune resilience 3. Food proteins Doctors think if it’s not an IgE allergy, it’s not a […]
June 7, 2021

And how potential is that magical, mystical place that we all want to get to yet can’t seem to find a way to just do it and act out of that special place See the thing is (depending on how you look at it): #1 you can’t ever get to your perceived full potential as that would mean your purpose and life is over Result P.A.I.N.F.U.L. OR #2 you always act out of your fullest potential in each and every moment to what you’re aware of and able to with the knowledge and understanding you have of your life in that moment And here’s the kicker word for ya: ABLE in other words YOUR ABILITY Some of you know I’ve […]
May 31, 2021

Why Are Smoothies A bad Breakfast Choice For The Majority? No, it’s not because I think it’s lazy. No, it’s not because of the sugar fix you think you need to get going in the day. It’s not even the sugar loaded smoothies I see made. To start, a MAJORITY of my audience and clients are women. So this really concerns them more. So what’s my beef with smoothies? Let’s us some context first. MOST smoothies I see posted are nothing more than blood glucose spikes in a glass that send you on a rollercoaster all day. Sure, there are some good ones out there but they are few and far between. My awesome client Maja made a great point […]
May 24, 2021

7 Main Reasons People Can’t Improve Chronic Health Issues…. Even working with the ‘best’ people in their fields. I spoke to a lady this week that hired the best doctors in a specific field. No results. Why? Being a specialist in some respects is a hinderance when you can’t understand the bigger picture. Take autoimmune for instance. On average it took 10 doctors and nearly 15 years to get a correct diagnosis. That’s why the people I do choose to work with get staggering results. I only take on those that are a great fit. So if you are struggling with chronic health issues you have to look at the following 1. Test for undiagnosed autoimmune issues. Many tell me […]
May 19, 2021

The greater your FEAR …the closer you are to breaking through whatever bullshit story you’ve been telling yourself! Pay attention Take a deep breath And step right in there! A story, is a belief you’ve been telling yourself that’s been stopping you from living your TRUTH A Truth that can never turn out to be true What’s opposite to your TRUTH always remains a LIE Those are there purely to provide CONTRAST A powerful feedback if you like, so you can reinforce yourself even further in what your LIGHT and your TRUTH is Or continue to CHOOSE in on your man made and imaginary limitations, Imaginary deficiencies that continue to prove to you that you’re not GOOD ENOUGH as you […]
May 11, 2021

Maybe you think you lack knowledge or even confidence. Do you find yourself questioning yourself and comparing yourself to others and what they do? I think we have all been there, right? Here’s what I came to realise. It’s not just the price you charge that decides the quality of the client. It actually comes down to more than that, like… 1. How you screen people before they work with you. I used to let anyone in that would pay the fee I requested and it caused so many sleepless nights. For me, it’s not about how much you charge someone all the time. Full exposure, we had a client pay 15k (Yep you read that right) and never got […]
May 6, 2021

25 years ago I was told that having headaches non stop for 10 days was normal My then neurologist also thought that me passing out regularly may just be because ‘I was growing’… When after several tests and scans no one could find anything I was put on a drug for 2 years just because the doc thought there’s nothing else she can do I as a kid didn’t question it Mum and dad didn’t know any different Wanna know what they put me on? A strong mood altering and antipsychotic drug that was supposed to help with my headaches… I mean what the actual fuck? Knowing what I know about the human body now I just want to scream! […]
April 26, 2021

Ever Scratch Your Head With A Client Because You Have Done Everything Right.. … But They Are Not Progressing? Let’s rule out that the client isn’t following your suggestions first. What I find is I have clients that come to me that have the perfect diet. They know how to sleep, They have filters, air cleaning devices They track everything… Yet still have symptoms. Maybe this happens to you? What I realised is that it’s a little more complex than we have been told. The courses out there are great for theory but often poor when faced with a complex client. Even trickier, Some clients are doing the right things, But at the wrong time. That’s why Marta and I […]
April 19, 2021

I once heard a PT tell someone they might be not losing weight because of their ‘age’ and maybe it’s their hormones. This was from an ‘evidence based’ one too… Truth is, it was said to Marta after 16 weeks of training more than I have ever seen. Constant calories deficit 10,000 steps a day. Result = increase in weight by 1.6kg and pre diabetic blood glucose. Sadly this same PT didn’t properly screen Marta and that’s the first mistake. (As you can appreciate I didn’t want to coach M, being partners in ALL areas. That’s why she got a coach) The coach said all the right things. Yet sadly it was just generic. After I saw the above statement, […]
April 13, 2021

Hey Friends!! How was your weekend? I am curious, what have you been up to? Cliff and I are truly settling into our Cyprus life again and had a slow and lovely weekend after a few weeks of madness working, unpacking, making our new house a home and all the usual malarkey. I sat down to my usual morning meditation yesterday and had the most amazing inspiration and download for a process I am going to take all the amazing women that are joining me for the Modern Woman Masterclass through. It’s all about coming home to ourselves as women, to feel powerful yet soft, to know where our energy starts and where it ends, to really truly understand ourselves […]