April 6, 2021

Dear woman! I don’t care how old you are I don’t care if you have a job or run your own business I don’t care if you’re single, married, kids or no kids That’s what they tell you to care about when you share your message.. And I don’t! I won’t go against my soul EVER! And you likely know that by now dear woman… What I do care about is HOW YOU FEEL Deeply to the bare bones and the core of your being! How are you? How do you feel about you and the world around you on a day to day basis? How easy or how hard does it feel to be kind to yourself? To nourish […]
March 30, 2021

A chance you’d not want to miss! As you know I’ve been diving deep over the last few days into Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives therapy You might think… But why dig in to the past? Past is in the past… It happened and we can’t change it! Well… we can’t change the experiences, yet we CAN change our interpretation of them! And if you’ve been in our world even for a bit, you know that the past is what shapes our NOW and our future And it can do so in a supportive or a (sometimes very) destructive way Remember that to be fully present now and to create our most fulfilling future – every time you […]
March 30, 2021

I’ve been reflecting this past week and really taking in a few things. 1. I can’t tell you how important it is to have supportive / balanced people around you. People that don’t let you just submit to stories of fear. People that ask you to be better. People that offer a solution, not a validation to your problem. 2. We are run by two primary energies when we feel stuck. Fear Lethargy Fear will tell you that you are small. Lethargy will tell you there is another day and just watch the tv. 3. Doing it alone is slow. I used to fool myself that it would be best if I just tried to work everything out myself. Just […]
March 22, 2021

THE ILLOGICAL LOGIC and how all your BELIEFS run on LOGIC (even the most illogical ones!) Take my word for it or read on… Let me say this again: Your beliefs run on logic! Illogical logic that we create to PROTECT ourselves, to keep us SAFE… They get to be logical for our brain to command taking action, to create neural connections, behavioural patterns that fulfil the pictures and visions we created of ourselves and the world in the first precious years of our life in this form. They get to be logical, illogically logical for our life to make nonsensical sense. To our body and brain as a physiological structure, as that beautifully stunning and complex machine that serves […]
March 17, 2021

One of the key reasons people don’t get better from chronic health issues. It’s not the food they eat, or the supplements they do or don’t take… It’s not even the missing infections present that have been missed for years. In so many people that struggle to get better and STAY better, It’s their home environment that keeps them sick. One area many miss is living in an environment that is toxic to your health. Now, I’m not talking personal relationships with yourself or others, Simply the physical house you live. People often don’t realise that the internal house environment can be worse than the environment outside. So, if you have long term health issues and can’t seem to solve […]
March 2, 2021

You might have read my last update and if you haven’t, no sweat. As I spoke about in the last update, blood glucose control isn’t just essential for diabetics, Millions of people have very poor blood glucose management which is resulting in them having… Brain fog Poor Memory Gut Issues Nerve issues and much more. Many in the fitness space believe there is little that can be done to stabilise or affect blood glucose as its regulated so tightly by the body. (that’s cute, maybe that’s why they should stick to bicep curls in the rack). Anyhoo, the body DOES regulate blood glucose via hormones like insulin (brings it down) and glucagon (brings it up), yet as with anything to […]
February 23, 2021

So, as promised, I’ll keep you updated with the experiment of wearing a constant blood glucose monitoring system. So far, here’s the biggest trends for me… DIET The diet I am on due to previous health issues is ketogenic (which is tough to get right, I’ll speak about that another time). Thus, my blood glucose as you can imagine doesn’t get crazy spikes or is elevated much at all. Cognitively, I function best around 4.2 – 4.4 as my readings and 4.2 is my weekly average. On Sunday I had my first ‘carb’ up day in 4 weeks to see how my body would respond. I was very active that day (18k steps & rollerblading) so I didn’t just sit […]
February 16, 2021

TAKE YOUR SLEEP FROM 5 OUT OF 10 TO 8 OUT OF 10 IN JUST 1 MONTH. My sleep used to be 53 out of 100 and I’d get less than 20 minutes deep sleep a night. Here’s what I did to now average over 80. 1. I stopped eating my last meal within 3 hours of bed. 2. I started tracking my HRV and adjusted my training based on recovery. 3. I use blue blockers 2 hours before bed. 4. I get most of my activity in the first part of the day 5. I balanced my blood glucose better. 6. I fixed underlying inflammation issues. I found it so strange that for so many years I could fix […]
February 8, 2021

… and not like a bear with a sore head! Women on average sleep worse than men and report more long term sleep problems (says the science). – Would you say this is your experience, or are you a lady that sleeps great and your male partner doesn’t? Either way, we are in a sleep epidemic right now and it should concern us all. Sleep regulates mood, lord knows we are all horrid to be around when you’ve had a poor nights sleep. It’s like trying to reason with a bear with a sore head, right? There certainly are a few reasons WHY women might not sleep as well as men, 1. They often are more empathetic, compassionate and outwardly […]
February 2, 2021

There are some key things that are big contributors to it that people don’t know. 1. Too much sugar in your diet Simply put there is a delicate balance in the body of how much glucose is allowed in the blood stream at one point. The reason being, too much is toxic, too little will see you become very sick. MANY people in the Save Your Brain workshop have tested their blood glucose and are shocked by the scores. Many coming up in diabetic ranges. Like our client Lisa, she went to get her eyes tested and glasses prescription 3 times in 18 month thinking its poor eye sight. Actually, when we reduced her levels, her sight was fine and […]
January 26, 2021

Depression, its not the brains fault. The lie many have been sold over and over is that depression is caused by an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain. I’ll not go into detail here but there was some pretty sketchy science in the 60’s that laid the foundations for the multi-billion anti-depressant industry we see today. I won’t stand here and tell you I have all the answers and know of a ‘better way’. Yet facts are pretty clear, the drugs that are so happily handed out to people are poor at best. The science shows us that the actual rate of effectiveness compared to placebo is minimal. So why are they so readily given out? That’s a long […]
January 19, 2021

If you think your memory declining, forgetfulness, low zest for life and depression are a sign of ageing. It’s not correct. More than ever, young people are suffering with the above without having an idea of how to solve it. Essentially you have to look at these 6 steps: 1. Learn HOW the brain works 2. Assess your current brain function 3. Understand the role of blood sugar management in brain health 4. Understand the role of gut health / food sensitivities in brain health 5. Techniques Increase blood flow to the brain & decrease stress 6. How to tame inflammation. These are the 6 steps that will help people reverse their brain fog, lift their mood and feel years […]
January 14, 2021

3 Types Of Brain Inflammation (And How to change it)
Brain inflammation is often thought as dementia or
alzheimer's disease, when in reality it’s more complex.
January 5, 2021

If I had to stop emotional eating, lose weight and feel confident, I’d do this… 5 Ways To Stop Sabotaging, Feeling Overwhelmed & Anxious. I can often tell who will fail and who will succeed in getting what they say they want. Over and over I see 2 primary reasons why people stay in overwhelm, anxiety and depressive episodes. 1. Environment. No matter how much you convince yourself that your negative friends, family or colleagues don’t affect you. They do. Science shows us over and over that people shrink themselves to fit in. Sometimes they do it just enough so they are the big fish in the small pond. Yet over time it wears you down having to defend yourself, […]
December 30, 2020

(The Plan Our Client Used) Before we start I want to tell you a little about this client. She is from New Zealand, in her late 30’s and has an autoimmune disease. She has worked with doctors, naturopaths, personal trainers and more. (And none of them technically did anything wrong) All she ever sees is weight loss start to happen, then it just seems to magically stop without explanation. This obviously leads to confusion and frustration……which leads to then eating and drinking things that are a problem for her. When she was referred to me, I made it clear that the reason she hasn’t succeeded was because she was doing things BACKWARDS. She looked a little confused and also a […]
December 23, 2020

You can’t ‘cure’ an autoimmune disease… (long post but worth it if you struggle with ‘tough’ health issues’) But it can get in the long term, symptom free remission If you know the 7 main triggers. I see so much BS on the internet and fundamental lack of understanding of what a autoimmune disease is. When you trigger a autoimmune disease which is clinically recognised, that’s stage 3. You have lost ‘tolerance’ to that tissue and it’s never coming back. I learnt it the hard way. Yet, what people with autoimmune don’t know is that there is also stage 1 and stage 2. Stage 1 being ‘silent’ – this stage you have antibodies being produced but there is no tissue […]
December 14, 2020

Why We Are Never Happy With Our Body – The Fat Self Vs The Skinny Self. I’ve spoken about the physical issues that stop / slow weight loss. Now let’s look emotionally / mentally what stops us… Have you ever been sat on a sofa, watching some high level sport or reading an inspiring transformation in a magazine and felt: “I’ve got to sort myself out” “Why have I let myself go so much” “Now is the time to get my arse in gear” These thoughts and desires all come from the ‘skinny self’ The skinny self is detail orientated, driven, motivated, demanding and a little obsessed. So you start the very next day, get up early and exercise, drop […]
December 8, 2020

Our ego protects us from the truth of our soul To ignore the whisper We create noise Our childlike insecurities create stories about situations and people To keep us in a safe confine of our mind Distracted from our heart And what lives deep within False sense of security we created in everything that we believe matters Yet when you allow yourself to surrender To the HERE and NOW of THIS MOMENT You see straight through All that matters you so carefully have built up around you Dissipates Dismantles And Disappears Even though in the physical realm it is still there You detach yourself from it You pass it on or leave it behind And once again You relax…Into the […]
December 1, 2020

The No.1 Simple Step To Improve Focus, Energy & Clarity of Mind…. Oh, and stop cravings and binge eating. No, it’s not a tactic or strategy in your business, heck it’s not even blue light blocking glasses. It’s balancing your blood 🩸 glucose levels. Do you know. Blood glucose regulates your mood, energy, hunger, sleep and much more? It sounds too simple to be true but I see it with so many women we work with. They have poor glucose management and think it’s symptoms of thinks like ADD for instance. I’ll save you the biochemistry lesson, yet I’d love to share this with you. 1. High blood glucose levels will fuel low level inflammtion over time that will imbalance things like […]
November 25, 2020

Ever felt like you’re your own worst enemy when it comes to your diet? I don’t even like using the word diet as it immediately brings thoughts of restriction What we eat and why is a way of life and that can either support your health or destroy it Been there, done that And to be totally honest this is a bit of a confession… See only a little while back every time I was about to complete a work task or finish a project I’d find myself mindlessly rummaging through the kitchen cupboards or going straight for the fridge door to check what yum stuff I can find in there I’d literally go for anything salty or crunchy I […]