November 17, 2020

WHEN YOU HAVE A BAD DAY – READ THIS. TO HAVE MAGIC IN LIFE YOU GET TO KNOW YOU ARE MAGIC. Let’s get one thing straight right here, Right now. You are a miracle, I mean seriously, You are trillions of cells all combining To make up the meat suit you live in. It’s extraordinary isn’t it. Yet I know you feel less than extraordinary And more weighted down by your own expectations and judgments about where you are in life. Truth is you just forget how MAGIC YOU ARE. How you are born worthy. How when you allow life effortlessly flows through you without a care in the world. I know you have experienced it, even if it was […]
November 11, 2020

DEPRESSION is the opposite of EXPRESSION! And I don’t just mean the clinical, ‘you’re fucked’ and on meds for the rest of your life type… Not even the sad and scary times most of us experience at some point in our life Those sure as, are a result of suppressing expression Yet… Even those fleeting moments when everything just seems ‘meh’ Where you may feel fear creeping in Your mind chatter take over Even if Those moments are not lasting Not long enough to pay attention They still chip away at you Somewhere down in the depths of your soul There is a small scar A little mark That your choice to not express made on it Those clinical, deeper, […]
November 2, 2020

If you’re in England You’d have seen the news And You’d very likely reacted to it In one way or another… Most of you know my personal opinion yet it’s not about that I want you to remember today (as I’m reminding myself) You can only ever see 2 things in front of you PROBLEMS or OPPORTUNITIES And it’s only YOU who can choose which one! ALIGNMENT is something I’ve been speaking about for years… In one way or another And please don’t think it’s some wanky spiritual BS that I’m pushing here The fact is – we are ALWAYS ALIGNED to something! Whether it serves us or not is a different story 99% of the human population will (unconsciously) […]
October 27, 2020

(and what to do to fix it) It’s VERY common that women either feel they struggle with thyroid issues, or have been diagnosed with a disease of the thyroid like hashimoto’s. With a symptom list as long as your arm, its easy to see why so many women believe they have thyroid issues. Symptoms include… tiredness being sensitive to cold weight gain constipation depression slow movements and thoughts muscle aches and weakness muscle cramps dry and scaly skin brittle hair and nails loss of libido (sex drive) pain, numbness and a tingling sensation in the hand and fingers (carpal tunnel syndrome) irregular periods or heavy periods Yet, the sad reality is most women are at a complete loss of how […]
October 16, 2020

Your mind’s ceiling of imagination.. is your soul’s floor… Insisting on an outcome is like punching your soul in the face Telling your purpose and inner guidance to fuck right off and leave you alone Your mind is a funny one It has an outcome planned for every moment and every circumstance of your life before you even know it! And said outcome is planned in your mind, by your mind, to supposedly keep you safe Filtered through old stories and old limitations Rarely guiding you to your conscious desires You may wonder… Why you self sabotage? Why you procrastinate? Why you just can’t seem to do the things you say you want to do? Be the person you say […]
October 12, 2020

Regardless if it’s to do with thyroid, gut or brain… We work with complex clients and autoimmune issues are at the top of nearly all complex issues. Sadly, conventional medicine is awful when it comes to autoimmune, and you likely will just end up on immunosuppressant drugs that cause other long term issues. I also have a personal interest in this after being symptom and medication free for the last 11 years. So, without further ado, here’s the list (it might surprise you)… 1. Not taking dietary restriction serious Loss of tolerance – The reality is that once you have lost tolerance to parts of your immune system, there are certain foods and cross reactors that are off the list […]
October 5, 2020

Everyone you meet and interact with on your life path Is a beautiful reflection of YOU! Giving you the perfect opportunity to look within based on this reflection and… …MAKE A CHOICE! Of whether what you see serves you And you KEEP it Or doesn’t serve you And you’re going to DO SOMETHING about it Everything you see And everything you respond or react to IS YOU! Not them! Take it on board and next time you’re about to Bitch and moan about someone – REMEMBER: IT IS YOU! NOT THEM! And next time you’re about to compliment someone and tell them how awesome they are Go ahead and tell them, then – REMEMBER: You are SEEING YOU IN THEM! […]
September 28, 2020

A situation you’re facing is making you uncomfortable, lost and often freaking angry You have two choices… Stay where you are and continue to suffer OR Reach out for help to see your situation in a different light A light that makes you realise, that the only reason you’re experiencing pain is the interpretation of the situation you find yourself in NO PAIN IN THIS WORLD COMES FROM THE SITUATION YOU’RE FACING BUT FROM YOUR INTERPRETATION OF IT A powerful message and lesson I learnt years ago when reading book 1 of the epic Conversations With God series The thing is though, that when you’re actually in it, in that situation I talk of, it’s often challenging to see another […]
September 22, 2020

Wanna know the reason why you’re so freaking EXHAUSTED right now? And no… It’s not the weather and time of the year I get we’re getting close to the equinox and I know it does affect us Not to mention the planetary movements and the Schumann Resonance flatlining recently (I’m not an expert here so won’t pretend that I know much more….) Yet what I do know is how our mind works Conscious vs subconscious and the individual and collective power of both See the thing is everyone (who hasn’t got a fucking clue) is talking about a second wave Well… the second wave is already here Yet… it’s not the one you’ll hear about on the news This one […]
September 14, 2020

If you can’t regulate appetite, you’ll find controlling your weight very hard. Most people think its lack of willpower or motivation. Yet the potent combination of poor blood glucose management and poor vagal tone (A very important nerve) are wrecking your chances of success. These reasons are WHY I can’t just tell people to eat less and move more. You’ll fail a majority of the time… When people get really ready to look at the underlying issues they have present as a result of carrying excess weight for years, It’s a much easier journey. Yet if you just subscribe to the same old, low fat, low calories and MORE exercise approach. The hamster wheel of frustration will await you. That’s […]
September 7, 2020

The body and mind can’t ever be separated when dealing with health We’ve said it time and time again Over and over You’ve heard it You (kinda) know it (Or maybe not…?) I still remember the times when both Cliff and I solely focused on the physical Circa 10 years ago Everything we’ve learnt was so powerful for us to first test out on ourselves and then implement with our clients We were already known as ‘the gut people’ Yet the game changed hugely for us, when I stepped into the realms of human emotions, the human mind, and the energy around it. Around November time, 2013, at a seminar with our very first mentors We learnt about a ‘belief […]
September 2, 2020

If You Are Not Where You Want With Your Body (and likely life) Here are some things to seriously consider that can help you right now. 1. Knowing your why Sounds cheesy but ‘losing weight’ isn’t enough, Neither is fitting in a dress or item of clothing. It has to be a deeper connection than that. Why does it matter the clothes you wear or how much weight you lose. What does it really mean to you? As in, do I feel unattractive to my partner etc. Be radically honest with yourself as if you are not, you give yourself unconscious permission to fall off the wagon. 2. Who you surround yourself with matters If all the people around you […]
August 26, 2020

With excess weight comes poor blood glucose management…. Aka, higher risk of not just diabetes but nearly ALL illnesses. A recent study showed people with poor blood glucose had much more severe symptoms of COVID. So, what does this mean to you if you carry weight? 1. Eat regular protein – This will help to stabilise blood glucose and avoid crashes (and binges) 2. Eat at regular times – This will ensure your body is prepared for when food arrives. The body is very clever and ‘prepares’ for food. But when you have irregular timings it acts as a stress on the body. 3. Avoid sugary foods and drinks – These imbalance blood glucose levels and lead you on a […]
August 17, 2020

Here’s WHY The Health & Wellness Space SUCKS Most Of The Time… (And 5 things we do to help frustrated clients) It’s a little rant but you might learn something about your own health and body… Today, I sat down with a big, strong dude, who on the outside looks fine. Yet, he reached out to me after hearing about the work I have done with others on their health. I asked him to describe what was happening for him and what he has done to date to remedy it. The smile dropped from his face as he started to recall where all this started 5 years ago. Some simple nerve pain in his face, progressed to issues with nerves […]
August 10, 2020

I SEE YOU, I FEEL YOU. It’s TIME to step up to embrace all the parts that you hide from YOURSELF and the world. You see, I know you hide desires from people close to you and friends alike. I know you bite your tongue to think you are keeping the peace. I know you people please in the hope that it will be reciprocated in the future. I know. Yet suppression is the leading manifestation of Depression. We are shaped and squished into these perfect little boxes that we paint in society, thing is everyone hates the boxes lol. If you are a creative then the idea of waking up to an alarm, driving to a building where you […]
August 3, 2020

Irrational fear = it’s presence is going to make all you do feel overwhelming. One thing I feel as a pattern is irrational fear. Now you have ‘rational fear’ = the life saving form of fear that triggers the fight or flight response. It helps to make in the moment decisions about where we are safe or not. Irrational fear on the other hand is when we take a fear and blow it up with our psyche. We run to the worse case scenarios and it can feel like the world is coming crashing down. Yet in reality this will never happen.. When have you actually ever fully lived out these irrational fears? Whether it be in love, Money, Business, […]
July 27, 2020

If You Have Long Term Inflammation Issues – Here’s 7 Reasons Weight Loss Shouldn’t Be Your Goal. If you struggle with: Gut issues Headaches Skin issues Autoimmune Other inflammatory issues Your focus should be on what we call the the Top Down Approach. You have to make sure… 1. The brain is healthy – sounds extreme but many people have issues with swallowing food, with constipation and yeast issues. Moreover, if you struggle with smell, taste and saliva production, these are further signs of brain dysfunction. Much of this is due to poor signalling of the brain (parasympathetic nervous system) 2. Ensure adequate levels of stomach acid and enzymes. As you age, with stress & infections you drive down stomach […]
July 21, 2020

To increase the quality of your life it’s imperative to reduce sustained stress. Science shows us the more sustained our stress is the more we… Make poor decisions-reduce memory Affect sleep quality Reduce empathy for another Become more selfish This is to name a few of a long list. When I talk about sustained stress I’m of course not talking the ‘temporary’ out of control feeling that you get on a roller coaster. Stress can be measured on how out of ‘control’ you feel and the associated risk attached. So a rollercoaster hits both lack of control and slight risk but many find it FUN. Yet, financial struggle in a struggling economy shoots many people off the scale of stress […]
July 13, 2020

There comes a point when you have to decide if you desire short term results (quick fixes) or long term results (self empowerment). If an approach is sold to you to involve no active learning or challenging what you currently believe to be true, how will you know what to do when results slow or stop. I like the ‘keep it simple’ approach but are we over doing it. I mean, if it was working surely mental health numbers would be better, chronic disease lower. Right? Now, I am a science and spiritual dude and I love the geekery associated with it yet you don’t need a biochemistry textbook or some spiritual texts from 3000 years ago lodged in your […]
July 6, 2020

I’ve been speaking to clients a lot recently about POTENTIAL vs ABILITY And how potential is that magical, mystical place that we all want to get to yet can’t seem to find a way to just do it and act out of that special place See the thing is (depending on how you look at it): #1 you can’t ever get to your perceived full potential as that would mean your purpose and life is over Result = P.A.I.N.F.U.L. OR #2 you always act out of your fullest potential in each and every moment to what you’re aware of and able to with the knowledge and understanding you have of your life in that moment And here’s the kicker word […]