June 22, 2020

Over the YEARS I have been Labelled the ‘Gut Guy’ Maybe it’s because I have REVERSED my own auto-immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis and have been Symptom and Medication FREE for over 11 Years now…. Or maybe it’s because Marta and I have helped 100’s of people all over the world do the same.. Frankly it doesn’t really matter to YOU right now, but what I guess DOES matter to you is how you LOOK, FEEL AND PERFORM? Am I right? (If I am READ ON >>>) So my intention for this post is to tie in what the GUT has to do with how you FEEL, LOOK and PERFORM on a daily basis. Lets Start: (This will NOT be […]
June 15, 2020

10 reasons, as a lady you can’t lose and sustain weight loss (that aren’t calories or exercise) 1. Irregular meal timings Your body works on very specific ‘clocks’, thus meaning its used to secreting hormones / enzymes at specific times, thus when you have erratic meals you can put the body in ’emergency’ as it wasn’t expecting food. This puts pressure on your bodies ability to burn fat. 2. Poor Sleep This will 100% screw your weight loss and lead you to high cravings, poor mood and weight gain. Its essential that the first 4 hours of your sleep are the best as that’s where you make up for the ‘debt’ of the day. If you go to bed at […]
June 9, 2020

Health is very complex, it’s no wonder people try to simplify it with approaches like ‘shake’ diets and such like. It’s no surprise we are seeing things like studies done on Herbalife and their products with scary findings. The most recent, linked the use of Herbalife to liver failure and found traces of heavy metals, toxic compounds and pathogenic bacteria. Now, I don’t think the ‘original’ idea of the founder was for it to end up this way. Yet, it has. When I consider the health industry, I actually right now see it as a ‘reactive’ industry. A study (whether good or rubbish) is released implicating a certain food – then the next week there are ‘supplements’ to help. It’s […]
June 1, 2020

MORE ISN’T BETTER <——-Myth of a scarcity mindset. More money More time More freedom Do not guarantee Happiness and Fulfilment Yet so many people chase ‘More’ Maybe that’s you? Saying things like…When I have the money, THEN I’ll be happy. When I have more time THEN I will take the action.When I lose the weight THEN I will go shopping. The more is better Mindset is one of the KEY reasons you continue to chase and not welcome in ease and flow into your life. When you put conditions on life you, tell yourself you are not good enough NOW. Stop right here. Think about that. How often to do put off doing something until you have more money, more […]
May 18, 2020

Before I start, this isn’t about ‘curing’ disease. As someone that has worked with hundreds of people with chronic illness and overcome my own, I’ve come to see some trends… Trends that separate those that get better and those that give up and stay on medication from life, thus likely getting another chronic illness a long the way. 1. Mindset. People are often in the victim mindset and believe that their body is letting them down. Without questioning this, you will never change a chronic issue. 2. Blaming Genetics. People blame their family for the genes they have been passed. Yet science shows us your genetics only play a roughly 10-15% role in your outcome. Thus, how you eat, sleep, […]
May 18, 2020

Do you have chronic gut issues? Maybe you have even done testing, run protocols and cleanses to clear your gut…..BUT You are still suffering the bloating, the pain, constipation and brain fog? I spoke to a lady in the USA the other day, in this EXACT position. She is constantly on enzymes and HCL to get some form of comfort. Not to mention a heavily restrictive diet. Over and over, I see people that get testing, are given protocols, see short term results but long term it just seems to get worse again. Here’s a few reasons WHY that happens. 1. Your gut ISN’T the only problem. Now, coming from the ‘gut guy’ that might sound weird. Yet it’s true, […]
May 11, 2020

YOU’LL NEVER GET ANYWHERE IN LIFE… Ouch! See… The thing is There’s simply no place for us to ever get to We’re never done, We’ll never be finished There just is no final destination on this Journey And if you go by what Alan Watt’s saying Life isn’t even a journey… So how could there ever be a special, mystical, magical Destination for us to get to? Stop here for a moment. Isn’t it how you’ve seen your life All your life Up until now? Desperately trying to get to that PLACE? Where you are done. Where you are complete. Where you can finally relax… Yeah… I feel you! Been there, done that… For soooo many years! Think about it… […]
May 5, 2020

No fluff, just do this (please share if it’s useful!) 1. Get off your phone, laptop or stop watching the TV 1 hour before bed at the latest. The blue light will block the release of melatonin which is a trigger to the brain to trigger a sleep state. 2. Get light exposure as soon as you wake. People don’t realise that your light exposure in the morning can impact sleep at night. Light is a trigger for a wakefulness state. Thus more light in the early part of the day, low light after dark is best. 3. Don’t consume Caffeine after 2 pm Caffeine has a half life of 5 -7 hours thus, if you drink coffee late afternoon, […]
April 27, 2020

For many Facebook is a place to portray the life they WANT and desire, not the life they currently have. And I’ll be honest I do my best to show both sides yet, I don’t often talk that much about my past. I mean the ‘early’ days. Sure I mentioned off the cuff a few bits here and there but if you really want to know who & why I do the work I do in this world, then this post will be it. 1984 – I was born. Nothing eventful there except after 3 months my mum noticed an abnormality, shall we say, of my spine. What proceeded that was 3 major operations before the age of 3 years […]
April 21, 2020

Change Your Expectation For Appreciation And watch your life transform (there couldn’t be a more appropriate time to do this than NOW!) I heard Tony Robbins say that a good few years back & it hit me hard! As I was hard wired and trained to have expectations And not just of other people and the world around me But even more so of ME! And pretty f***king high expectations That I could barely ever meet And that resulted in deep misery, In horrid self loathing, And just deep down dissatisfactions with everything that I ever did Most of my life, NOTHING I did was ever good enough And everyone around me was always better Endless comparison games were so […]
April 13, 2020

The Top 7 food choices to boost immunity, protect yourself and Your family. Most people are disconnected from the fact that lifestyle habits play a role in our immunity. Irregular meals, high refined sugar intake, poor sleep patterns & large intakes of alcohol all supress and negatively effect the immune system. So we wanted to outline from a food & supplement perspective what is proven to help you with strengthening your immunity. Most supplement companies pedal vitamin C, Vitamin D and such like and its well-intentioned but it is like being in a sinking boat, taking on water and only having a small cup to bail out the excess water. Important to understand is what’s going to unlock the strongest […]
April 6, 2020

Have you been at each other’s throats already? OR Are you still enjoying all the extra time you get to spend with each other? I’ve never even imagined such a challenging time like this coming for all of us to experience…YET! I truly believe it gives us the best opportunity to reflect on our lives deeply and what goes with that – our relationships! And as they say… how you do sex is how you do life… Have you heard that? There are 3 stages of consciousness in your RELATIONSHIPS and SEX Stage 1 – CODEPENDENCE – where male energy plays out the macho alpha style role and the female energy perceives itself as weak and dependent It’s here that […]
March 21, 2020

Welcome, Here’s a great interview Cliff did with our friend Kyle FL, a high flying entrepreneur and seeker of his best possible health. Enjoy.
March 4, 2020

Welcome, It sucks to wake up tired, overwhelmed and like life is passing you by. Even worse is when you know you need to get things done but your mind feels full of fog and overwhelm. In this new training, Cliff will show you 5 key upgrades to quickly shift how you think and feel. If you would like to learn more how we could help you solve your health issues long term, Click HERE to apply for a FREE 15 minute consultation. The purpose of this 15 minute call is to get clear on 3 things. 1. Where you problem is coming from 2. Why you haven’t yet solved your health & mood issues yet. 3. What key actions […]
October 18, 2019

Welcome, Do you struggle with the menopause? Maybe its the sleepless night or the unexplained weight gain that bothers you the most. Or maybe its the violent swings in mood or low sex drive. No matter how you experience the menopause, its important to know there are many ways to reduce symptoms WITHOUT HRT. In todays video i discuss what we see as the No.1 reason that our female clients that seem to have tried EVERYTHING still can’t reduce menopause symptoms. If this video was helpful to you, please share it with someone you know. If you would like to learn more how we could help you solve your weight loss issues long term, Click HERE to apply for a […]
October 3, 2019

Welcome, Do you struggle to lose weight and keep it off? Good news, you are in the right place. In todays video i discuss what we see as the No.1 reason that our female clients that seem to have tried EVERYTHING still can’t lose weight. If this video was helpful to you, please share it with someone you know. If you would like to learn more how we could help you solve your weight loss issues long term, Click HERE to apply for a FREE 15 minute consultation. The purpose of this 15 minute call is to get clear on 3 things. 1. Where you problem is coming from 2. Why you haven’t yet solved your weight & mood issues […]
September 30, 2019

Welcome frustrated IBS sufferer, I have made a video for you to explain why millions of people are struggling to improve their IBS symptoms. Whether you are IBS-C or IBS-D there will be insights in this video that will get you looking at your problem in a different way. I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts. If you would like to learn more how we could help you solve your IBS issues long term, Click HERE to apply for a FREE 15 minute consultation. The purpose of this 15 minute call is to get clear on 3 things. 1. Where you problem is coming from 2. Why you haven’t yet solved your IBS issues 3. What key […]
September 27, 2019

As someone that has been recovered from Ulcerative Colitis for over 10 years now, i sometimes find a bit of tough love necessary. Its very easy to get overwhelmed with information and not taking any action, so below I wanted to set out a set of points that really helped me improve my gut health and become free from disease. I hope it helps you too. 1.Sort out your diet. This is often more tricky than it first seems. Do you do keto, vegan, paleo, low FODMAP etc. My view is all of them have benefit and will also hold you back. Your diet is bespoke to you and you will do well to do a basic elimination diet for […]
May 17, 2019

The Menopause – A Horrible infliction on ladies or needless suffering with the right information? As I was in the gym today I glanced up and saw the hashtag #bbcmenopause – obviously this caught my attention. Now I didn’t listen to it at length but the gist of it is to bring awareness to the topic and consider the experience ladies go through. I absolutely agree that if we understand what can happen during menopausal changes, it can stop shitty comment from guys, friends & family that don’t understand. Yet, in my experience of working with people the severity of symptoms isn’t necessary. In the extreme ladies can face -depression -weight gain -anxiety – hot sweats – broken sleep – fatigue […]