May 9, 2019

Hi, As someone that has overcome the autoimmune condition Ulcerative Colitis (10 years symptom and medication free), I spend a lot of my time wanting understand the reasons behind autoimmune conditions and how we can go about improving them. Marta and I have a lot clients that come to us with health issues, specifically autoimmune, so i thought it might be useful to put together a video that brings together a few reasons why its hard to ‘improve’ but also what we can do to start seeing our health improve. Have a watch of this video and if you have any questions, please either comment below or contact us directly via the site. C x P.s this really is […]
April 8, 2019

Here are 6 things that you are likely not doing consistently enough and if you did, you would feel MUCH better. As in, sleep better, feel less stressed and lost that stubborn weight. Before you ‘skim read and say ‘ i do that’ – Be honest, how often do you NOT do these day in and day out? 1. Hydration. People don’t drink enough good quality water. Period. 2-3 litres for the average folk is ok. (If you have NO kidney issues, add a little pink Himalayan salt (or similar) to each litre of water for mineral uptake) – Tap water is VOID of many of the essential minerals we require for optimal cellular function. Your human body is […]
March 1, 2019

The 3 System Triangle You are here because you likely have some health issues that might feel a little bewildering to you. Maybe you have been to the doctors, had the blood tests but they just come back normal. You likely have done the whole ‘google my symptoms’ thing which likely scarred the pants off you… Ive been there, its frustrating when you don’t feel in control of your own body. I had over 20 years of it. its become my mission to educate myself and others of how to empower themselves in life and health and today i want to share a little on ‘health’ with you. Now, depending how long you have been following me you might […]
February 20, 2019

People ask, how do we find a cure to obesity, how do we cure diabetes and how do we cure more serious things like heart disease and cancer. My view is that we are sniffing up the wrong tree all together. I believe we can all agree disease is a result of a dysfunction in the body, sure genetics play a part but honestly its much less than people really realise. Over my personal journey of overcoming Ulcerative Colitis, a brain tumour and 3 major spinal surgeries before the age of 3 i noticed a lot about how health works. Now i don’t believe i have ‘all’ the answers but i do believe that if we actually look at […]
December 31, 2018

The Low down on the word ‘debt’ and what YOU get to do to FINALLY release yourself from the ‘claws’ of this word. First a little story to story to put this all into context of why i have decided to write this…. Its late 2013 and Marta and me are suffering. We have made choices (unconsciously) that saw us in a position where we were sometimes bringing in LESS than £1000 per month BETWEEN us. In October 2013 we made a grand total of £800 online. We felt called to ‘assist’ people and leave a mark in this world. We just did’t have a fucking clue how to do it. I personally had had a credit card since […]
December 31, 2018

So you say you want FREEDOM? New Year’s resolutions and all that… You say that you live your life by it That you believe it is one of the most important values a human being can hold Sounds so liberating right? Yeah… I’ve said it to! More than once or twice even… Yet! Until the point you realise You misconstrued the entire concept of freedom You live an illusion of what freedom truly is What freedom truly means You say you want to be – free from pain – free from debt – free from frustration – free from anger – free from hatred – free from worry – free from problems – free from angst – free […]
December 29, 2018

Do you have the courage to open yourself up to your thoughts? Do you have the courage to open yourself up to your feelings? Do you have the courage to open yourself up to your emotions? All of it… And I mean EVERYTHING! Doesn’t it look overwhelming just looking at it all? Let alone open yourself up to it… Haven’t you been just so protective of Your space Your energy Your thoughts, feelings, emotions… And what if? Just what if… You were to let it rip And wash over you Swallow you whole Chew and spit you out Your thoughts Your feelings Your emotions Would you dare to let your guard down To see what the other side holds […]
December 20, 2018

This was me yesterday. Now I don’t have a cold or sickness but in this photo I did feel like I was dying. You see Marta and I use extremely advanced testing to measure where our internal health is Year on year. One of the ‘issues’ with living in Cyprus is that it has a rather large mould issue. Thus we test ourselves a. To see if we are being exposed and B. Act accordingly if there are any imbalances. So while in London in October We ran some testing. Two things came up. A relatively small imbalance In a yeast / fungal marker. The second was more important. Intercellular Glutathione. Now in English that means ‘Protection for the […]
December 13, 2018

FLOW… THE BIGGEST CON OF OUR TIMES Did that catch your attention? Good ???? Let me share with you a tale of how a humongous industry has been built Around the most natural of human states… FLOW the mystical, the shamanic, the magical most precious and sought after states Is available to you and you and you and you too Wait for it………….. ON TAP! At a click of a finger Just because And there’s no need for – outside circumstances – pharmaceutical substances – and technological advances To allow you to be in your most natural always available state as a human being A bit of a shocker ain’t it? As up until now you’ve likely considered Only a […]
December 11, 2018

KEEPING YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE? How’s that working out for you? Seriously… I am curious! As a very interesting conversation last week started this train of thought If you think about it Everything we’ve ever wanted Is a state of BEING Not a state of DOING And not a state of HAVING Doing and having comes as a result of being first It is a FEELING that we’re after Not an object or an action of getting it . Think about it… You’d have heard me quote Eckhart Tolle before and his war mindset understanding That when you focus on fighting You have to have a reason to fight Otherwise the point of your life becomes nonsensical And […]
December 5, 2018

Now this back I used to BELIEVE was a source of why I was bullied and called names like: Midget or hunchback. But was that REALLY true? Back when I was a teenager all I CHOSE to see was the perceived limitations that having multiple spinal surgeries, 1 combined year in hospital and 100’s of stitches. What I have come to understand and ACCEPT is that ‘this’ back is part of a story much greater than anything to do with height or look. This back supports a 64 degree curve and a double fusion of my spine. This back supports me through all of what it has been through in 32 years. This back actually helps me heal my […]
November 30, 2018

The GREATEST FEAR of all kind Is not lack of money or wealth Not fear of safety Not that of health Not lack of love or connection And not the perfect body we all so desperately want Those are all FEARS that are perfectly valid Still… All piles of bullshit that we humans created Yet valid in a sense that we all know the experience YET All those are also just pretty covers Our human mind wants to dress up our ultimate fear in And when you get to the core of this To the core of your being and what you’re here for None of these matter in the sense that they did previously They become matter […]
November 27, 2018

ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT!! (And why I swapped 20 degrees and sun for frost and snow – and did snow angels as my workout today – proof further down for you so read till the end ????) I know I sound like a broken record You’ve heard me say before That if your environment isn’t in alignment with how you want to live and what you want to experience It’ll pull you in to alignment with everything that you don’t want As it’s a greater force collectively Than just you as a single unit . And that’s also why Early Monday morning I flew 3000km away from home To be in the Polish mountains To change my environment To change my point […]
November 25, 2018

I guess I’m in the unique position that I deal in great depth with peoples physical health and their emotional health. Now it baffles me but it’s still true that people are disconnected from what they eat, why they eat it and how they FEEL. It’s all too fashionable to say ‘I’m on a liver detox’ or I’m doing this ‘shred diet’. Can you actually detox a liver, errr no. Unless you understand stage 1 (p450 cytochrome) and stage two clearance then you are just being sold a bunch of likely poor quality supplements that someone is making at least 25% on. It’s TRUE that there can be issues with the function of stage one and stage 2 in the […]
November 18, 2018

10 years on eh? Well, I’m not really fussed for the who ‘ageing’ thing and what I look like. It’s more the ‘energy’ of the person in the pictures. For me these pictures show me a willingness to change who I was being because it wasn’t serving me anymore. The pic from 10 years ago is a guy on medication, unhappy and escaping as often as possible to alcohol and drugs without ever considering the implications on my physical and mental health. A guy that was lonely and isolated himself unless he was drinking. I told myself it was ‘all under control’ and that I can stop when I wanted. Yet I never stopped for years. I thought I was […]
November 16, 2018

I know you have stories I know as I do too… We all have them! The question is How long Just how long will you Allow them to run your life Where you ‘Just have to feel into it a bit more’ ‘You haven’t quite understood it yet’ ‘There’s still more to unravel’ ‘There’s just so, so much of deep work still to do’ FFS… Just shut up that little pretend conscious mind of yours And see through it Without action Nothing will ever change in this 3D world that we live in FACT! End of story And fucking right it’s important to feel your shit Feeling is everything It’s important to understand your patterns and stories And It’s equally […]
November 13, 2018

Have you ever wondered if your life can be different? And I don’t mean in the woo woo, elusive and mystical sense! Of course, that’s always a part of it. Yet seriously, the day to day things that you do that piss you off yet you don’t know how to change… Those ones that actually add up to the totality of your life How fucked up and pointless it sometimes seem Or how fulfilling and full of the epic stuff called joy it is For ages I got trapped in a perception that when I do this or that course or follow this or that mentor, my life will be sorted. I’ll be done and able to just get […]
November 12, 2018

IF YOU THINK YOU SUCK AT LIFE – GOOD NEWS! It’s just a learnt behaviour of your un trained mind Everything is learnt Practiced With or without knowing The school of life often happens in the background You’ve no idea what it is that you’re doing your revision on And then the exams… Well… If you think you’ve failed at love That’s your exam passed! If you think you’re shit with money… That’s your exam passed with distinction If you think your whole life is a bit (or a lot in fact) of a mess There you have it – your degree with honours Every outcome we have in life Is a result and a confirmation of a […]
November 9, 2018

Hold my hand Follow me into the abyss Let me show you What you don’t see What you don’t want to see in me As you’d rather Think it’s just all oh so easy To live my life To run the business that I do To be so fucking awesome Constantly on point Constantly on it… . Are you with me? Here… Here’s my hand Grab it Just take hold and follow . See my weary eyes Glazed over Body feeling weak Barely able to stay upright Heart rate low Almost too slow Mind refusing to work Forgetting what I said Forgetting what I walked in the room for Thinking I’ve don’t something while clearly I haven’t Every now […]
November 2, 2018

THE MOST BORING YET IMPORTANT POST IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HEALTH AND PERFORMANCE….(In My Opinion) Over the YEARS I have been Labelled the ‘Gut Guy’ Maybe its because I REVERSED my own auto-immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis and have been Symptom and Medication FREE for over 7 Years now….(Apparently IMPOSSIBLE by conventional medicine standards) Or maybe its because Marta and I have helped 100’s of people all over the world do the same.. Frankly it doesn’t really matter to YOU right now but what i guess DOES matter to you is how you LOOK, FEEL AND PERFORM? Am I right? (If i am READ ON>>>) So my intention for this post is to tie in what the GUT has […]