October 25, 2018

Over the years I have shifted from just dealing with a broken down body I see in front of me and shifted more to the 30,000 ft view of WHY this is occurring. There is no escaping the role that environment plays in our day to day health but I am not sure that people really FULLY understand the importance of environment in health and life. So lets dig in. Without getting into deep physiological research it has been proven over and over that what we are exposed to emotionally and physically IS affecting our physical body on a moment to moment basis. The simplest way to understand this through your experience of hot and cold. When we are […]
October 17, 2018

Do you know that you’ll always find a way to do whatever you need to do in your life? Regardless of how easy or challenging something may seem Your mind and body are amazing at pulling out an answer, a solution, an outcome Sometimes… Quite often shall I say Those solutions will be nothing more than just a bundle of what you’ve learnt before mashed up together to get to your outcome By hook or by crook You’ll get there! YET! Is it possible that there is a Quicker Easier More efficient More effective Way of getting where you want to get to? Of course there is! Yet There’s a price tag on that one! Awareness, responsibility and then […]
October 15, 2018

What aspects of you that you know don’t serve you anymore do you still feed by seeking validation and connection through? Pain? Anxiety? Food and drink habits? Money stuff? I can keep going Let me break this down a little as I get that the first line may seem like conscious riddles… You know the thing you say you don’t want in your life anymore The stuff that you keep working on Yet somehow Somewhere In the middle of a conversation With a friend Or a stranger Slip out You tell your story And bang ???? there’s the validation There’s the connection You unconsciously seek And then you may or may not realise Right after Or a little while later And […]
October 8, 2018

Your mind’s ceiling of imagination Is your soul’s floor… Insisting on an outcome is like punching your soul in the face Telling your purpose and inner guidance to fuck right off and leave you alone Your mind is a funny fucker It has an outcome planned for every moment and every circumstance of your life before you even know it And said outcome is planned in your mind, by your mind to supposedly keep you safe Filtered through old stories and old limitations Rarely guiding you to your conscious desires You may wonder… Why you self sabotage Why you procrastinate Why you just can’t seem to do the things you say you want to do Be the person […]
October 6, 2018

Oh the number of people that blamed me as a mentor for their life failures… Some directly (which I respect deeply!) Yet most through offloading and comments made to other people That this or that didn’t work out or did not happen because as a coach or a mentor I did not deliver… If I ever learnt anything powerful as a mentor It’s that you can not do the heavy lifting for a client And if you attempt to You end up frustrated Burn out quickly And are likely acting out of your saviour pattern I did… The thing is When you start shifting your life When you see the difference your own inner work made Most of the […]
October 5, 2018

THE SCARS YOU SEE ARE THE RESULT OF EXTERNAL WOUNDS THAT HEALED, YET THIS ISNT ABOUT THOSE ‘WOUNDS’… Take a look at the picture attached, what do you see? Do you see imbalance, do you see scars, do you see anything else? The scars on my back are a marker of the journey i have been on and Not the result of a journey i have been on. These scars are a part of me but they are not who i am. And these are just a few that i have, the 6 inch scar on my head from the brain tumour, the 2 inch scar on my leg from barb wire and the 2 inch scar on my […]
September 29, 2018

You must talk more about this You’re so passionate… Cliff’s words have been rolling around in my head for a few days now And yeah, he’s right I am passionate about it yet… Sometimes I just feel that people won’t listen Won’t pay attention It’ll go right over their head You can’t even imagine the number of people we tested and found serious infections, dangerous bacteria, nasty parasites And they did what about it? Precisely FUCK ALL! My dad died because of a systemic (it took over his body) fungal infection that he just wasn’t ready to receive our help for And that’s one of the scenarios for most people ignoring their test results Oh and the price to be […]
April 11, 2017

You know your DOWNER DAYS? Yeah those ones I mentioned a few days ago… Well let me start with the ‘good’ stuff first to put it in context for you. The BUZZ, the EXCITEMENT, those crazy moments of CREATION in whatever way shape or form that they come to you… Could be business, could be time with family, could be just you being YOU and having shit loads of fun. You know then feeling right? It feels awesome and you just want it to carry on and on and on… See that’s EMERGENCE. Emergence of something new, something exciting, something that just feels awesome. It comes about through attractive forces, attracting: – your various thoughts into an idea – different […]