(there couldn’t be a more appropriate time to do this than NOW!)
I heard Tony Robbins say that a good few years back & it hit me hard!
As I was hard wired and trained to have expectations
And not just of other people and the world around me
But even more so of ME!
And pretty f***king high expectations
That I could barely ever meet
And that resulted in deep misery,
In horrid self loathing,
And just deep down dissatisfactions with everything that I ever did
Most of my life,
NOTHING I did was ever good enough
And everyone around me was always better
Endless comparison games were so self destructive.
First and foremost, whenever expectation creeps in
We automatically f**k ourselves over as it instantly kills the opportunity for us to receive not just what we asked for but so much more and so much greater!
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”
– Wayne Dyer
We can’t really and truly ever get rid of expectation in our life
It’s our mind’s natural process to create an outcome on autopilot for anything and everything we ever attempt and undertake
It’s like putting an address in your sat nav
It automatically predicts the fastest route right?
That’s what your mind does too
There is a caveat to that though!
Your mind only predicts the outcome based on whatever version of ‘your personal software’ you’re operating out of at the moment of your request for:
⁃ More fun
⁃ More joy
⁃ More health
⁃ More money
⁃ More love
⁃ Better car
⁃ Nicer home
⁃ Etc etc etc
You name it, the list can be endless!
Let’s take for example a new home request
You sit there and plan,
You set your intentions,
You visualise and consider all options,
Yet your deep rooted belief (‘your personal software’) is that right now you just simply cannot afford it, or even better (not!) – that you do not deserve to live in a place like this, that ‘people like you’ don’t live in places like that…
I mean WTF?
It all just sits there and
Your mind would instantly create an outcome that you just won’t get the house, won’t find it and you’ll live forever in disappointment, in a belief you’re not good enough and not quite complete without it.
And you know what the kicker is here?
So very often you won’t even know that the pre-programmed outcome is even there
So you continue to sit down and plan
Consider all options
You may even get to the point where you’re ready to buy
And something falls through,
You blame the whole world,
The solicitors and the lawyers,
You blame the chain,
You throw your arms up in despair,
Blissfully oblivious to the fact,
That in fact,
You’re so in alignment that you have no idea,
So freaking in tune with your stories you once told yourself,
The thing is here that they’re all lies!
They’re just pure bullsh*t.
But what if you don’t know,
You just don’t know what stories may sit there,
You stop and look around at your life,
The results or the lack of thereof you experience,
That shows you straight out,
All cards on the table,
What’s lingering deep within.
What expectation the conscious YOU may have for the outcome
And the unconscious commitment you hold – has a whole expectation of its own
And it will do everything it can to fulfil that
Our subconscious mind is 90% of your day to day life remember?
So it’s up to you to do something about it.
To update your software,
To change your story,
To realign with your conscious desires,
And we always align to our subconscious belief,
The conscious desire,
No matter how strong,
If it does not match with the belief you are deep down holding,
And what you think you believe in is not what you actually believe in, remember?
You’ve got some work to do my dear friend,
And it’s exciting!
Even though just a tad scary at first!
If you say you want this or that and you don’t have it,
Go look within,
As all you are doing is creating coherence between what you believe is true for you,
And what shows up in your reality.
So stop, pay attention
Notice what’s happening.
And even if the first step to appreciation
Is to appreciate the fact that you now know it!
You know you’re not fucked and that you’re not broken
Your software may need updating that’s all,
Go do it!
Change your expectation for appreciation and see your life transform
I did.
And it worked out pretty awesome!
And every time I catch myself expecting shit to show up a certain way for me
I pull back and I ask questions…
Curious questions,
As if I was 5 years old again,
To see what it shows me,
To see where it leads me,
As I promised you that always and in all ways,
It will only lead you to growth,
And to expansion.
Beyond what you ever thought possible!
I am excited for you ❤
M x