Do you know you’re
Yeah I know…I sometimes too think it’s all bull…YET!
What I realised
Somewhere along this path of self exploration
That the more I seek those feelings outside of myself
The more I realise that
I can’t find them anywhere
But within
And those days and moments
When I forget my magic
Holy shit do I hurt and feel miserable
Those paradise destinations
Those honeymoon moments
Those bestest ever meals that you’ve had
Did you notice that they don’t just do the same thing the second and third and fourth time round
Why is that?
Did you just get bored?
Was it just the novelty of it?
Did you get numb to the wow effect of whatever it was that took your breath away in the first place?
Or could it be something else?
Something different
You know how I always say that your eyes can see
But they can’t see themselves?
Well…Think about it!
What do you need to see yourself?
A big fuck off MIRROR!
Either the physical one that hangs on the wall
The whole freaking world around you!
Have you ever considered that you simply just can’t see in the scenes around you
What is not within you first?
And you’d likely have heard that and considered it in the most annoying and frustrating moments
When someone’s being a shithead towards you
And you get annoyed
You may ask yourself
Where am I being a shithead in my own life or towards others?
But have you ever paused and acknowledged
That the awesomeness that you see in another
The beauty, the wit and the humour
Are all deep within you and are showing up right in front of you for a reason
Encouraging you to be YOU just for once
Isn’t it time to stop hiding?
Have you ever considered that the stunning view that you saw
That just took your breath away
That very view and that moment
We’re reflection of your heart’s beauty
Of your kindness and love
That’s deep within you
Perhaps buried under a veil of a cynical tint
That you painted your life within for protection
Have you ever considered that that meal that you had in that restaurant that just felt so divine and so special
Almost a once in a lifetime experience
That was s mirror of your own personal flavour
Of your taste and your aroma
Of your soul and your true being
That’s been screaming to get out
And to fly free
Yet you stopped it
Because. Because. Because.
What will other people think if you show up as the TRUE YOU?
Will they judge you?
What will they say??
Sounds familiar?
I’ve been there…Yet now I embrace each and every breath-taking moment so fully
That I feel this very thing to the core of my being
As I know that I am just seeing parts of me
In the very experience I am having
As my eyes can see
Yet they can’t see within
Without a mirror
That’s right all around me
In every breath
In each moment
Yet it’s up to me to stop and acknowledge
Or to dismiss and reject it
And when I forget my truth
When I insist on the lies
They keep coming
As what you focus on expands
Don’t you know it?
So stopPay attention
And ask yourself
What is it that you see all around you
As the world that we see
Seemingly is the same
Yet so very different through each set of human eyes that are looking
And if you do like what you’re seeing
Go celebrate your very own awesomeness and your essence
And if you don’tGo within
Not without
And course correct
Shift and adjust
And re-open your eyes
As it is the internal not the external
That requires your attention in that moment
And when you do so
And reopen your eyes
You’ll see That As Wayne Dyer used to say
When you change the way you look at things
The things you look at change
M x❤