Irrational fear = it’s presence is going to make all you do feel overwhelming.
One thing I feel as a pattern is irrational fear.
Now you have ‘rational fear’ = the life saving form of fear that triggers the fight or flight response.
It helps to make in the moment decisions about where we are safe or not.
Irrational fear on the other hand is when we take a fear and blow it up with our psyche.
We run to the worse case scenarios and it can feel like the world is coming crashing down.
Yet in reality this will never happen..
When have you actually ever fully lived out these irrational fears?
Whether it be in love,
Family etc?
I know for me I have never ever got to the worst case scenario that my brain was perceiving possible.
So when you find yourself running down the rabbit hole of fear and it seems never ending,
Take 5 deep breaths and then move to fact.
Do I have proof this will happen?
Even if it did happen, would it be as bad as I am telling myself?
Or am I using self shaming to scare myself unnecessarily?
I know from experience that we spend so much time in irrational fear that we rarely have space for the creation of what we want.
Consider that.
If you spend all day entertaining your fears, when do you have time to create what you actually say you want?
This is where trust and surrender comes in.
Trust yourself that you will and are doing what is in alignment and moving you forward.
Surrender to guidance and flow.
Another reason for irrational fear is your Environment.
The people and places you hang out in will hugely impact how you see the world.
Watch the news? Read the newspapers?
All filled with irrational and blown up fear of what ‘might’ be.
Conversations with friends and family….
Perceptions of how your status is in the world.
Rich or poor?
Healthy or sick?
It ALL Plays a part in collective experience of irrational fear.
So take a step back, consider why you fear what you do?
I guarantee it’s others fears you have placed on yourself AND you