It drives us! It brings goose bumps and makes the hair at the back of our neck stand up, not in fear but in pure EXCITEMENT.
At the Unlimited Life we contribute to people, projects and companies that we believe in. We contribute to people, projects and companies that like us in the past maybe can’t quite see yet just how good and gifted they are. We contribute to people, projects and companies that share our vision of a greater and better life for all – through integrity, expression and responsibility – and all of that done with the key ingredient of PASSION.
In a world where the overriding message is ‘more is better’ and it’s ‘every man for themselves’, we do it differently. When you take part in any program or experience within the Unlimited Life, you are actively helping our chosen contribution projects around the world. It’s great to be happy but that doesn’t last long if your life doesn’t have powerful meaning.
We believe that the more abundance we create in our life whether that be time, energy or money, we choose to give back more - to support the people that have the most amazing potential and will be making a powerful impact in this world in years to come. Here are a few areas that we currently support.
Colegio Mayor De Occidente, FACATATIVA
A very speical school in Colombia

Now it might sound strange to support a school all the way in Colombia, yet we believe in supporting the projects we can actually physically and directly help and with our support make their ideas even greater.
We first visited the school in March 2016 when we were on a retreat. In just a few moments of entering the grounds and meeting the principal, it was evident that this was no ordinary educational establishment.
The curriculum focuses not just on maths, science and English. They teach entrepreneurship, spirituality and actively encourage their pupils to develop projects to give back.
Check this out for example - one girl went to the principal and said she wanted to plant 1 million trees to help the planet that she lives on, rather than be met with ‘this isn’t possible’ or 'we don’t have budget', the principal asked:
‘When do you want to start?’
Tree by tree, with whatever resources they had. They now just a couple of years into the project, have planted thousands of trees that otherwise would never have been planted.
We, together with a select group of our clients had the immense privilege to go tree planting twice with the kids, teachers and the principal. The experience was breath-taking.
It’s this, ‘let’s give it a go’ mentality and the openness to change that had our hearts fill up and burst open. The school is our first contribution project and via our various programs we have been able to donate two pool heaters, several brand-new computers, several TVs for interactive learning, a PA system and at Christmas 2018 we sent 1000 boxes of chocolates to every pupil and teacher at the school.
Just writing this makes us smile and appreciate our lives even more.
We will continue to evolve our collaboration with the school and every year we visit them to see the changes and discuss what else can be done to help.
If you’d love to help this amazing school then please let us know and we will be more than happy to get you involved in our project.

Colegio Mayor Students singing their school anthem in English from their warm pool to say thank you for the pool heaters from Cliff and Marta
Over 900 Colegio Mayor Students with their Christmas 2018 gifts from Cliff and Marta
This is George. George is crazy, crazy about coffee…

And that’s what people say about him
We first met George in Nicosia. The capital of Cyprus that as you probably know we travel an hour and a half to, to drink coffee. And yes, we’re crazy about coffee too. Back in 2016, we first met him and shared our love for good coffee. Hearing this, he made us several coffees just because he wanted to. And to show us his skills, he let us try different things. He didn’t charge us for any... We only paid for the food we had.
Back to George. We stayed connected on FB and Instagram. We followed George’s journey as he moved back to Athens. We saw him struggle and battle with life at points...Confused, frustrated, defeated at times. We promised George we’d come over to Athens so he can take us on coffee tour over there.
It took us a year to fulfill our promise. And when we finally met him again over my birthday week back in June, Boy did he show us some of the world’s best coffee places we had no idea were only an hour and a half flight away from us!!! But he was still pissed off with life, with his experiences back in Cyprus, with a girl he once was in love with, with others working with coffee while he was either out of work or making smoothies at a local cafe.
When his passion, his purpose, his calling… Were buried deep under layers of blame, he played the shame and victim game. He kinda knew what he was doing, yet felt stuck and didn’t know how to break it. How to break through and shift his experience. Even though he wanted it so badly.
At one point he even said that he was never going to work with coffee again!! I said to him to stop lying and to FEEL what his heart’s saying every time he thinks of that perfect cup. That perfect smell, temperature, grind and the weight of beans that matters so much when jumping head first into the whirlwind of being one of the world’s best. No matter whether you coach, make coffee or sell properties, if that’s your calling. Jumping right in feels like a crazy spiral of emotions that when misinterpreted, can fuck you over and you may have even said it yourself once or twice just like George – I am never doing that thing again.
I know I have... We both did… And at some point, over lunch George said how much his life would change if he had a sponsor like other baristas, as money was tight. He said a €100 a month would change everything. He had no idea why we were poking and prodding, wanting to find out more about what it was he actually wanted to do.
‘I want to compete in cupping’. I want to show them, my way of making the best cup
We said to him: ‘Dude! You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone. You don’t need to show anything to anyone! All you get to do is be you! Jump in and flow with the poetry in motion that your coffee is, it speaks for itself’.
Later that day we sent George the first €100 for that month and continued to do so each month and George checked in with us regularly, telling us how awesome it is to be playing with coffee again. Not long after we started to sponsor George he sent us a message that he was working with coffee again. The very thing he said he’d never do ever again. He said he’s now in a new place in Athens that plays Jazz. Since then he traveled, worked in different places serving the best coffee (of course!)
He uses our support to either save up for courses, buy coffee gadgets or any other extra kit that he requires to perform his magic. It makes our hearts sing to see his journey unravel. To see that he went back to fulfill his dream, to live his purpose.
A little while ago he said to us one day: ‘Thank you guys! You changed my life’
And we were like... FUCK! It’s almost like we forgot, that we had those powerful chats back in Athens in June 2017. As we were so engrossed in his art, as if it was always there, never left and never came back. Isn’t it mesmerising watching someone’s path realign itself with his true purpose? George continues to be an inspiration to us and we continue to sponsor him on a monthly basis to assist him in moving closer to his dream.

Dog and animal RESCUE

If you’ve been in our world for a while, You obviously know Milly – the unofficial mascot of The Unlimited Life and our beloved Cyprus Poodle rescue that we just adore so dearly. We swear she is a little human in a dog’s body. And of course she’s our clients’ most favourite part when they come to see us in Cyprus.
Blind in one eye, having spent the first 2 years of her life tied on a string, in a cage with no shelter. Never groomed, her hair grew so long, she couldn’t walk as her bum was so heavy. I still can’t believe how having endured all this, this little soul has so, so much love to give.
We first saw Milly on a local farmer’s market in the Cyprus mountains, in February 2016. She was then already groomed, looking super cute and fostered by a couple that were helping out Susan – our now dear friend here in Cyprus, who rescued her. I still remember her wearing a little high vis jacket that said: ‘ADOPT ME’. I spent a moment petting her and needed to rush off as Cliff was playing golf that day.
I said to Cliff – THIS IS OUR DOG!
And as he went off to hit white balls with a stick down a grassy fairway, I commenced my search in floods of tears as I just could not find her on any of the Cypriot rescue sites (there are many!) Eventually I had an A-HA! moment, and asked on Facebook out of all places. Facebook knows everything and everyone after all right?
Within an hour, we located Milly and Bob and Carole who looked after her back then. After a short visit from Milly and Susan, we agreed to adopt her and the rest is history. If there’s no sound of the little bell she wears on her collar in our videos and livestreams – our tribe raise an alarm asking where their favourite pooch is and why isn’t she with us. (We still like to believe that they watch those videos for our content…)
And since then, we’ve helped Susan and other dog and animal rescue organisations. Both in Europe and America. And continue to do so. So, if you’d like to get involved in any of our furry projects, just let us know. Let’s do this together.