Cliff and I talk about it a lot
and a client asked this question
And here’s my response
The quickest and easiest way is to understand that when we insist on a very specific outcome,
i.e. that a client can only come from one source not another, for example ‘I am running a workshop, therefore clients will sign up as a result of that’ and then when they don’t you feel like a failure…
Is it possible that people can come from a totally different source as a result of you loving this workshop and delivering it and being so in tune with your genius and energetically aligned so you can’t help but pull people towards you?
The thing is, it’s an energetic investment that counts
The effect of that investment can come from so many different places
And by getting worked up about a specific outcome, we are shutting ourselves off from the limitless possibilities available to us out there
Every time I feel uncomfortable with something I ask myself,
Where am I applying expectation of a specific outcome
It shows up every time!!!
We run out of our subconscious 90-95% of the time
Most of the time we won’t even notice that we applied expectations or parameters to outcomes until the uncomfortable feeling shows up -it’s only there to assist us and show us feedback that we’ve done it!
How awesome is that really?
As if it didn’t show up, we’d be going through our life asleep and wondering why shit happens to us
Rather than realising how powerful we actually are as creators