How’s that working out for you?
Seriously…I am curious!
Everything we’ve ever wanted is a state of BEING. Not a state of DOING
And not a state of HAVING
Doing and having comes as a result of being first. It is a FEELING that we’re after. Not an object or an action of getting it. Think about it…
You’d have heard me quote Eckhart Tolle before and his war mindset understanding, that when you focus on fighting.. You have to have a reason to fight, otherwise the point of your life becomes nonsensical
And nonsensical is the biggest threat to our identity.
It’s the death of it. The death of you. So now, think about this for a moment. Or rather FEEL IT.
Let’s put thinking aside for a minute… If you feel to get something or somewhere. You have to KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE. What are you really telling yourself?
That your purpose is not the state of BEING… And the FEELING that you are after. But the thing you are AIMING for.
Can you see how nothing can ever be enough and it wont be. Nothing will ever be to your satisfaction. You’ll keep craving, aiming and yearning. As if your purpose is KEEPING AN EYE ON IT and going for it. You can’t ever fully have it. As you lose the purpose of your being.
Yet again it becomes nonsensical.The biggest threat. The death of you and your being.
Let me draw a picture for you
You keep an eye on the prize.. Let’s say a promotion. You keep going for it. Working your ass off. You get it. You’re happy for a moment. Yet very quickly you aim for something else. The next step on the ladder. An even better job. And even more powerful position OR
Let’s say you keep an eye on the prize. The car of your dreams for example. You work your ass off again.. You keep aiming. You keep working towards it. And then eventually you get it. The prize is there.. You feel like you’ve won.
How long does the feeling last usually? A day? A week? A month maybe…?
And then what?
You feel incomplete again. You feel like you need another prize to keep your eye on. A house? Another car? A holiday to a certain dream destination? You name it! The prizes you set yourself to win are endless
Nothing deep down is ever enough
Nothing fulfils you. Nothing satisfies that compulsive need for yearning. For aiming. For keeping that eye of yours on another prize. As you told yourself that is your purpose. And if it’s done. Your life becomes nonsensical. To the very fact that you’re no longer aiming. No longer yearning to get that prize. You don’t need to keep your eye on it. Fuck!
So what do you do with that now you’ve realised.. Why up until now you’ve felt miserable so very often.
Even tho deep down if you were to look at your life
You’d say there’s nothing really to be miserable about.
Will you? And stop aiming! I dare you…It is a decision
It happens in one moment. Yet the ease of comfort and satisfaction in your own skin. Just because you are. Just because you are here. That comes with practice. And you know what?
ALL the things that you have previously thought that you needed to aim for and to keep your eye on..
Happen with effortless ease
They’re just there for you and sometimes, some of them, become far far less enticing.
As you see through the smoke and mirrors….Remember though
We still live in a 3D material world where possessions. Where status, identities, are here for us to play with.
Some of the most in PAIN humans I’ve witnessed
Were those desperately trying to neglect and give up all the above, and claim that they don’t need or don’t want it. It’s all here for us to play with
I freaking LOOOOVE nice things and experiences.
If anyone, you’ll all know this…It’s how we go about them that matters and changes everything
It is what it is. It’s there or it’s not.
Your essence, who you are at the core does not change with or without it
M x