One of the key reasons people don’t get better from chronic health issues.
It’s not the food they eat,
or the supplements they do or don’t take…
It’s not even the missing infections present that have been missed for years.
In so many people that struggle to get better and STAY better,
It’s their home environment that keeps them sick.
One area many miss is living in an environment that is toxic to your health.
Now, I’m not talking personal relationships with yourself or others,
Simply the physical house you live.
People often don’t realise that the internal house environment can be worse than the environment outside.
So, if you have long term health issues and can’t seem to solve them,
even with many different practitioners.
You might want to consider where you live.
If you have damp, mould, or musty smells…
It’s a deal breaker.
Furthermore, if you are using weed killers,
abrasive chemicals,
or around solvents,
this will slow you down too.
And before you say, “I only have a little in my bathroom”
– Its not true.
Just because you can’t see it,
doesn’t mean its not there.
As we know Cyprus is PRIME for mould and damp issues,
We looked at 10 places before we found 1 that we could work with.
This week we have spent time inspecting and using hydrogen peroxide on anything that I know might become a future issue.
We spend so much time at home these days, its imperative you don’t have a home that’s making you sick.