There comes a point when you have to decide if you desire short term results (quick fixes) or long term results (self empowerment).
If an approach is sold to you to involve no active learning or challenging what you currently believe to be true, how will you know what to do when results slow or stop.
I like the ‘keep it simple’ approach but are we over doing it.
I mean, if it was working surely mental health numbers would be better, chronic disease lower.
Now, I am a science and spiritual dude and I love the geekery associated with it yet you don’t need a biochemistry textbook or some spiritual texts from 3000 years ago lodged in your brain.
I truly believe to have a better quality of life…
You get to practice the following and improve the following.
There are a million ways to Rome and it’s important you pick METHODS that you feel serve you long term and can sustain.
Sure, I’ve helped people with things varying from colds to cancer but we always start with the above!
Note: If you have chronic illness and someone sells you a cure, be careful, very.
There are many things that reduce symptoms quickly like correcting the above, that doesn’t mean healed. It means improvement.
The body over time adapts and changes and what was a positive change to start can end up causing issues longer term.
That’s why I’m a fan of YEARLY testing to ensure we are not missing early signs.
It’s also why I never put all my energy in one approach whether it be dietary or otherwise.
Critical thinking is required in this day in age.
I’m doing my best personally to continue the learning journey from advanced biochemistry to more eastern medicine.
(I’m a geek for answers.)
If you would like to understand yourself and health better then get in touch!
if you have had testing done that you don’t understand or have started to action but see little to no results, I can help make that clear too