OMFG! I just won the national time trial!!!
Beat the world champion!!!
So epic!!!
It’s powerful what you, Cliff and I do.
It really makes that difference when you really, really dug in the last 10k thinking
It was just incredible!
Absolutely incredible!
Luke Durbridge
Australia’s National Time Trial Champion

The moment you drop the bullshit stories as to why you can’t or why it won’t work are usually those moments in which you start to fly.
Simon Hall
CEO The Nourish Group

Ok so here goes, I was at the consultant’s this week and wasn’t even apprehensive. It was a new consultant a bit wacky with wild hair and a science teacher look about him. He asked me to explain my story, so I did without hesitation I went back to talking about how low I was and physically ill (you know the crappy stuff, but there is no light without shade). Then I started speaking about how well I was feeling now with vitality and enthusiasm for life, love and whatever the universe is going to throw at me! I mentioned AIP stress management, reconnecting with nature and all of the other fabulous things you have helped me rediscover about myself.
He looked at me with that look only someone that has heard about these kind of things and the benefits they have, however he declined to elaborate. He was happy with my progress, more than happy actually. He then asked me one final question ‘Is there anything else you would like to ask?’
I said ‘Yes, can I stop taking my azathioprine’. He looked at me and said ‘Yes, as you are feeling and looking well and feel like you are in control of your disease there is no reason why not!’ I am ecstatic and it’s amazing what clarity and positivity I feel at the moment, I wanted to share with people that will understand and care
THANK YOU ALL, I remember saying months ago that I didn’t want to take medication for the rest of my life and I do not have to!
Michael, Sunderland, UK

I was drawn to the energy, excitement and support of Unlimited Life. There was a real community spirit and everyone was enthusiastic. I noticed the difference in people in how they lived and the way they had grown their businesses.
I initially embarked on the 28 Day Breakthrough programme and although very emotionally challenging at times, I loved it.
I learned that throughout my life I have been judging myself against other people’s and my own expectations. I felt like a complete failure and breaking down to my partner telling her she was the only good thing in my life was a dark memory, but one that needed to happen.
I am not a failure.
My work with Unlimited Life has helped me see this. I have made significant progress and I have learned to remove expectations from my life.
I am pleased to report that life and business has grown and flourished since.
Drew Gatherer
Personal Trainer, London, UK
Cliff and Marta have a real gift for making things easy. They teach you to be in touch with what feels good for you so choosing to work with them was a no-brainer. As a coach myself, I learn so much from them.
Simon Wellsted
Coach and Mentor at The Integrated Fit Pro

I received the all clear on hyperthyroidism with no medication used in the process, I have more energy, sleep better, gut problems are gone and I AM NOW PREGNANT after previously going through 6 failed IVF cycles. I am so glad to have met Cliff and Marta, I honestly believe we would not have achieved this pregnancy without them.
(note: baby Alice is now almost 4 and is growing into an AMAZING little lady)
London, UK
Hi Cliff! I just wanted to reach out to both you and Marta and to let you both know that me and my hubby are now expecting our first baby.
Everything is still fairly early but I guess although I haven’t worked with you guys on a 1-2-1 level, a lot of your information has allowed me to make better informed choices, especially over treatment options, specifically with health concerns I have had historically and has even allowed me to be med free specifically with uti’s.
So, thank you guys for all your videos and talks you guys do as it has contributed to this little bundle of joy.
Steph Westbrook

Just sent that list of words to my business partner, we will have some fun tomorrow :) I just looked over my last two emails to colleagues and happy to say they are all very specific and positive, strange how I don't do the same when talking to myself ;)
I started the exercise we went over in December - my brain was making excuses for quite a while but when I sat down and started writing down the "I am happy that..." statements, it all just started coming out - I couldn't stop writing, felt gooood!!
I need to now check over them, as I wanted to have a breather and let them mull around my head for a while, so that's the next step to see how I react to each one. It's exciting though, it feels a bit like I've got x-ray glasses on.
I was reading a book earlier and noticed my stomach knotted up, so I delved into why I felt like that, realised I was reading something negative about not being in control, one of my areas I'm improving, and straight away a sort of calm came over me, like having a cold shower when you're hot and sweaty, haha!
Anyway, thought you'd enjoy that insight into my crazy brain :)
Ben Sebborn