Why upgrading your train (of thought) is important…?
Are you so focused on where you are and why you are there that you forget where it is that you’re actually going?
I had a moment a few years back during a giant layover in Madrid, you know when the penny drops and it takes you back for a moment?
Yeah one of those…
And back then I realised that my life got way easier and more effortless when I stopped focusing so much on why I was in that moment and actually directed my attention (and intention) to my inner world and next step that felt good and exciting
And again, like with everything else that spans across the whole spectrum
From business to health, from personal passions to my relationships with my loved ones.
To give you an example that will bring it home for you…
BUSINESS wise, think for example about wanting to fill up your program and bring in new clients to your world
My old train of thought used to go something like this:
‘Why have we only got X number people on this program and not Y? What have we NOT done. What we do must not be working… Etc. Etc.’
Right now it goes something like this (new train ):
‘Oh, we have X number of spaces left, that’s awesome, have we got anyone in mind this opportunity will serve epically?’
‘Who would we like to invite into this experience with us’
HEALTH wise:
Old train of thought would have been:
‘FFS my gut is playing up, I’m not feeling great, what again?
‘This would have usually unravelled into an infection of some sort or another ‘thing’ that I felt I had to deal with as my body was fucking me up.
New train of thought is more like:
‘Oh hey body, you’re communicating with me. Thank you! Let me tune in to see what’s up. Your gut is not feeling that great, alright (quick analysis of the run up events to such symptoms, i.e. travelling, more stress than usual etc.). Thank you body for letting me know, here’s what we’re doing NOW to assist’ – issues gone within hours
Old train after a while of doing something and getting quite good at it and then having a little bleep:
‘Oh fucking hell, I suck at this, I can never get it right. What a load of bollocks this is. I’m useless. I should probably just fuck it all off and give up…’
New train :
‘Oh hey challenge! Cool, thanks for showing up. What are you here for? Directing me elsewhere or inspiring to keep going?’
And last but not least
Good old train would have always sent me down the path of feeling unworthy, rejected and to be honest fucking useless as a human. Whenever anything showed up like Cliff being in a funny mood, us having a heated up dispute etc. etc.
The epic new train that I’ve upgraded the old one to always goes internal and asks how I am feeling and who is it that’s actually speaking in that moment.
And guess what, 100% of the time it’s my little girl remembering some bullshit story from way way back that she made her truth and all it takes for me is to have a little chat with her and reassure her that she’s always loved, looked after and taken care of by ME first!
Everything else (aka external confirmations of love) just reflect back at me effortlessly then as I can only see outside what is first within me.
Can you see how my inner dialogue changed significantly from playing the victim
From being delusional and releasing my inner responsibility for ME and my creation, hoping somebody out there will save me
To being the conscious creator taking responsibility for what shows up in front of me
I got to the point where what I insisted on just continued to NOT FUCKING WORK and I could have either continued this game of insanity or chose something different and changed my ways in order to achieve a different result…
When there was nowhere else to run I did the latter
And as you can’t ever argue with the results in front of you
My life got a hell of a lot easier
And so much more FUN as everything is just a curious game of self exploration
Even the shittiest and darkest moments that still do come, that stuff never ceases to exist
As we’re all a totality of both darkness and light
You don’t ever argue with the fact it is night time…It is what it is right?
So when the night time falls in your own life and personal circumstances
What you do is PAY FUCKING ATTENTIONTUNE IN, FEEL IT and LISTEN UP to what it’s got in store for you
As the sun will always rise up again and again
The cycle will continue whether you like it or not
And it’s up to you to flow with it or resist it
But you KNOW (and I know you do!) that the night seems to last so much longer when you spend your dark hours in fear, playing the victim and asking ‘why me?’
Rather than put the freaking light on and look under the bed and see there really are no boogeymen and monsters in there
They’ve all been created in the powerful realms of your mind
So harness that gift and change your inner dialogue!
Start now!
As tomorrow never comes!
With love and nothing else
M x