When you throw your arms up in despair
And exclaim FFS please just SHOW ME…
Are you actually ready to see it?
You feel blocked
You feel defeated
You feel you’ve done all the fucking work
And got nothing to show for it
You suffer and struggle your way through life wondering if it’s ever going to change
And you throw your arms up in the air
And scream in despair
‘Oh please, just please show me what stops me…
Show me all my blocks
Show me all my limits…’
And then you do what…?
What is it that you actually do?
Go right fucking back to going through the motions
Right back to the same fucking thing you did just before you asked
You put your blinkers back on
You repeat the same fucking story
You look at those that supposedly inspire you and snigger to yourself
‘It’s alright for them…’
Living the life they do
Having the shit they have
Doing the things they do
Going places
Splashing cash left right and centre…Just stop for a minute here
Didn’t you just ask to see everything that stops you from living the life that you desire?
The first question here is…
Are those desires even yours?
Or have you just plucked them out of thin air because this or that person is living this life and you thought it’d be cool to do and have the same shit too?
Do you even know what you truly want?
If money and physical objects that you so desperately yearn to posses were not even there
All smoke and mirrors…What would you wake up for?
Do you have any idea?
And going back to the question you so desperately asked God or the Universe or the Spirit or whatever else is the thing that you threw your arms up to in despair asking…
Do you even believe that the answers will come?
Or was it just another way of pushing the fucking responsibility of your own life onto something else?
And isn’t it easier?
That something else is responsible for the choices you make every day?
The answers are right there in your face
Instantly after you ask your question
Are you prepared to see them though?
Ask and you shall be given -right?
You’d have heard this before!
And I know, I know, you thought it was all about material possessions and all the moneeeyzzz
And you grew all cynical and snarky
I asked for a new car you say
I asked for a pile of cash you say
And it didn’t just turn up on your door step???
How dare you Univers
eHow dare you God
Not deliver what you promised you would if I just asked…
Isn’t is sad that they sold you a lie you so desperately wanted to believe in?
Tune the fuck up
Your answers are right under your nose
And maybe that’s why you can’t even see them…They show up all freaking day
Every day
It’s not about who’s getting them
It’s about who is actually listening
They come in dreams
They come in conversations
They come in seemingly random sets of circumstances around you
And sometimes they’ll wring you out like an old stinky tshirt
Are you prepared to feel this way
And to turn inwards fully
To face yourself and your own bullshit
That your experience is painful because all you want keeps banging on your freaking door and you do all you can to reject it..
M x ❤