You can’t ‘cure’ an autoimmune disease…
(long post but worth it if you struggle with ‘tough’ health issues’)
But it can get in the long term, symptom free remission
If you know the 7 main triggers.
I see so much BS on the internet and fundamental lack of understanding of what a autoimmune disease is.
When you trigger a autoimmune disease which is clinically recognised, that’s stage 3.
You have lost ‘tolerance’ to that tissue and it’s never coming back.
I learnt it the hard way.
Yet, what people with autoimmune don’t know is that there is also stage 1 and stage 2.
Stage 1 being ‘silent’ – this stage you have antibodies being produced but there is no tissue damage, thus no symptoms.
In stage 2, you have antibodies and symptoms but if you go to the doctor, there is not enough tissue damage to diagnose.
^ I see this all the time.
What’s worse, if you have 1 autoimmune issue you should always screen straight away to make sure you don’t have silent or reactive autoimmunity.
In 70% of people I work with, this occurs and is a MAIN element why they have spent THOUSANDS…
Changing their diet, using all the supplements……try cold exposure, red light therapy and much more.yet they just don’t improve.
The practitioner often thinks the person isn’t sticking to the diet or following advise.
In my experience, this isn’t often the case. Most of the time people come to me with the PERFECT diet… … yet still have all these systems ofExhaustion, low mood, poor sleep, lack of sexy drive weight issues.
Here’s the thing, as someone that has LIVED with an autoimmune issue and have been med and symptom free for over 11 years..
I learnt a lot about what doesn’t work!
Now I have the pleasure to help people recover and regain their life.
If you have autoimmune issues and a practitioner doesn’t look at the following areas.
Don’t be surprised if you struggle to improve long term.
1. Undiagnosed Autoimmunity – This is to ensure if you have autoimmune, that you don’t have others.
2. Stages of autoimmune – Are you stage 1, 2 or 3?
If you are stage 1 or 2 you can stop the progress to full blown disease.
Not always, but often.
3. Identify lifestyle triggers – Things like sleep, movement & stress can be potent triggers if not managed.
4. Chemical triggers – People often lose tolerance to chemicals. These are people that cant stand perfume, scented candles of petrol fumes.
5. Food protein cross reaction – lots of studies show the cross reactivity to foods and autoimmune.
Of course there are the standard gluten, wheat, diary, eggs & soy but it goes MUCH deeper depending on the antibodies and tissues affected.
6. Identify Antigen – things like parasites, viruses, bacterial and fungal. These will stop people improving and must be screened for to see if they are active in the body.
7. Immune barriers – did you know you have barriers, not just in the gut but also the brain and lungs to name a few. If these are not in tact, its hard work to recover.
8. Immune Tolerance – Many have lost immune tolerance and become reactive to almost everything they eat. This is because premature immune cells are being exposed when they shouldn’t. This often happens due to poor variation in the diet and a shrunken microbiome.
Ok, there are more but I don’t want to overwhelm,
Hopefully if you read this, you won’t buy into the BS that ‘diet’ will solve your issue.
Don’t get me wrong, its a KEY step in the early stages but its limited to how much someone will improve long term.
I’m not sure if this is useful but felt compelled to share as i see so much BS on the web re autoimmune like…
Just take turmeric..
Just cut out gluten etc.
It’s not about single things, its about building a strong body that can calm down the inflammatory responses and handle stress.