From great adversity comes great opportunity, as the saying goes.
Our vision is to see YOU and people like you embrace who you truly are, to embrace your talents and drop the self-imposed stories that keep you stuck in a mind made prison.
It’s clear we are facing tough times in this world - mental illness is on the rise, depression at an all time high and suicide accounts for over 800,000 lives a year.
We simply are not getting it ‘right’. The conventional 'system' is failing. We believe that the only way to turn that around is by radical self-responsibility and exploration and having a solid community and supportive environment around you.
Working with hundreds of people from across the globe and the combined thousands of hours have given us a deeper insight into the deep rooted issues that plague society.
Our job as mentors & coaches is to hold a space for you to explore who you believe yourself to be, why you believe that to be true and ask yourself a question:

Does what I believe to be true
about myself serve me to my
greatest good?
We’ve worked with world leading CEOs that wake up each day, worried they will lose it all. We’ve worked with people too ashamed to show their bodies because of skin issues that they have because of stress. We’ve worked with pro athletes that used to believe they had to fail and be broken to connect to their family and loved ones. We’ve worked with people that suppress their desires in relationships in favour of keeping a ‘stable’ home, while deep down they are suffering greatly.
The list goes on and on but one thing is true for all the above. These people were ALL in some way playing a ‘bit’ role in someone else’s story and not the LEAD role in their own. We help you step into the LEAD role, to trust yourself and to choose a story that leads you on a path of fulfillment and living a life of meaning. We don’t believe that suppressing of your desires, sacrifice of time and happiness can ever work in favour of making money and getting approval from those around you.
We believe that life is AND, not ‘either OR’. You’ll never sacrifice your way to happiness… You’ll only end up building resentment that at one point will blow up in a moment you least expect it.
Now, we didn’t start out in life this way and we want to share a little of what has and still continues to shape us. This allowed us to not only step into our roles of mentors, entrepreneurs and leaders but more than anything – into being better people! Let us share a few words about ourselves individually, in first person so you know we’re speaking directly to you, and not selling you some sort of a 3rd person sob story...

I was born with a severe spine problem that lead to one of the first in the UK double thoracic fusions and a 64-degree curve in my spine that took away over 6 inches of my height. I had 3 serious spine operations and all that before I was even 18 months old. For over a year I ran around my school playground with a full torso plaster cast. It is fair to say it felt awkward.
And when the kids took the piss and laughed at me being different, I still remember my biggest triumph when one of the ‘naughty’ lads wanted to punch me, while he smashed his fist on my magical plaster cast armour. Mum and dad always said I was no different… But I couldn’t remember anyone else having such superpowers. And that… was just the beginning!
At 15 I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, a supposedly incurable and you have it ‘for life’, a serious autoimmune disease of the gut, where I was told either having my entire colon cut out or remaining on medication for life were the only 2 options. Running back and forth, to and from the toilet, sometimes more than 20 times a day. It was awful… 2019 marks my 10th year anniversary being completely meds and symptoms free by the way… How?
Well… I have learnt a thing or two about human health along the way. And no, it wasn’t conventional medicine that helped me. And to top all of it off, only 2 years later at 17 a 3-month non-stop headache (yeah! I was a hard ass and didn’t even tell anyone) and double vision, eventually led me into yet another doctor’s office, an immediate brain scan and then a not so nice diagnosis... You know what it was right? Yeah, a brain tumour!
Having had it successfully removed (see I am still here writing this for you), that wasn’t the end of my health ordeal. The post op wound got infected and spinal fluid leaked all over my pillow as they didn’t put the stitches and staples in properly. I got admitted again diagnosed with meningitis of the brain and overdosed on meds so heavily that I ended up in a 3-week coma. Yeah I know… A fun ride!
And that is just the first 18 years of my life… I’ve lived almost double that now and I am still learning. And then… Then I went to Uni and drank… Drank myself into oblivion, spent the money I didn’t have to buy drinks for ALL my friends as I thought otherwise they would not like me. I partied my way through 3 years of my life (literally I was out 5 out of 7 nights pretty much weekly!)
Then I got a job, a nice car and a house… Isn’t that what you’re meant to do apparently? I hated the job. Hated every moment of being alone in the house. So I ate. I drank some more. And I felt guilty. I ate my way through emotions and then I dieted pretty much every year, hoping I can get back in shape just in time for the.summer. And that went on and on up until something changed early in 2009… But more on that later!

I could sit here and talk to you about my alcoholic father (that to be honest when sober was one bad ass dad, one of the most sincere, genuine and giving people I’ve known - sadly in 2017 he passed away at just 65, his health was so shattered). I could talk to you about my emotionally unavailable mother that was so desperately trying to make ends meet and make sure me and my (13 years older) bro were ok (that to be honest was and still is one bad ass adventurous mum, that gave me a serious traveling bug when I was just a few years old, oh how I love her for it). I could talk to you about ALL the things I thought fucked me up as a child and all the things that I now know are gifts that came out of it.
But let me fast forward a little to show you how I am where I am right now and how all this unravelled. In August 2004 I arrived at London’s Victoria Coach Station after a 26hour bus journey with £300 to my name, no job, no place to live in and fuck all idea what I was actually doing... My prime reason for coming to the UK was to give some (serious back then) money back to a close friend that loaned the sum to me so I could complete a tour rep course in Egypt and then go back to work there once I graduated (Tourism and Travel Management was what I was doing).
You probably guessed that did not happen - the travel agent went bust before I had time to complete my thesis. The first 2 nights in London I spent in a 6 bedroom house with about 40 other people that lived in it with one kitchen and 2 bathrooms... All rooms turned into dorms with bunk beds and not much else in there... Waking up in the UK for the first time freaked the hell out of me! I wanted to go home, I wanted to cry (and I did) as I had no idea where this was all going to take me...
I now realise that morning was the first time when I said to myself FUCK THIS, that's not how I CHOOSE to live and I left the nightmare of a house pretty fast far behind me... I didn't consciously know back then that this decision would have started a chain of events that 15 years later lead me to living what I call MY UNLIMITED LIFE and assisting others to BREAK THROUGH their bullshit in all aspects of their lives from HEALTH, RELATIONSHIP, MONEY to finding their PURPOSE and getting UNSTUCK with their own lives...
But let's go back to London for a bit shall we... Still nowhere to go, the money running out quickly, I found a place in North London, a 6 bedroom split level flat above a kebab shop, full of cockroaches and smelling rather foul that still looked a million times better than the house I just left. It was the only place I could barely afford to stay in for a week. So, I struck a deal with the 'landlord' and cleaned the whole place to work off part of my deposit as I could only afford to put down £50. To give you a perspective of how much £50 was for me coming from Poland with the exchange rate back then being nearly 1:7, within a month of getting my first 'proper' job as a waitress that was paying precisely £9500 per year for a full-time role (I mean WTF?) I not only managed to pay all the money back to that friend, buy myself my first ever iPod and also put £100 away to save for whatever.
My weekly shopping was me walking around my local supermarket with a £20 note in my pocket and a calculator to make sure that whatever little money I had covered everything I needed for a week - and that was for 2 people! My diet was pretty much white toast, cheese and tomato ketchup... (and man that tasted good at the time, it was such novelty!)
Fast forward a few years, I realise now that a string of decisions I made between then and now, I made simply because I didn't want to SETTLE for what wasn't a ‘fuck yes’ for me and that was what led me to where I am now. Over the years, I kept changing jobs if I didn't like them. I still remember mum racking her brains out to understand why I wouldn’t just hold one job and be happy…
I admit that I relied on my mum and dad helping me out a few times, especially in the early months, with whatever little money they could scramble (and I mean a £100 to send me was nearly half of what they were bringing in a month between them!!). I moved several times, I did my masters degree long distance just because I thought it was a good thing to do (you gotta be educated right?), I partied the nights away sometimes on one drink as that was all I could afford at the time.
And in between all this... There was depression. Panic attacks so bad that I thought I was dying. Some said London will either make you or break you. And I swear that at points I was much closer to breaking. Exhaustion kicked in and my health deteriorated both mentally and physically. Parasites, viruses, other infections. Multiple courses of antibiotics that were doing nothing.
To ease away the existential pain I was feeling, recreational drugs and alcohol crept in and kept me company pretty much every weekend. My working weeks would end on Friday, panic attack to let all of the bullshit go on Saturday morning, then a bottle of wine, maybe a few vodka red bulls, a pill or two and a rave made me up so I was happy and believed in unicorns and sparkles again… Well… At least for a moment. And that went on and one up until something changed early in 2009... But more on that later!

Can you see a common theme here for us both? Confusion, frustration, unhappiness and zero fulfilment… Spinning round in the hamster wheel of society. Yet, deep down both respectively knowing that there’s more to life. That our life can be different!
Fast forward to mid 2009…
We are both requalifying! There came a point in both of our lives where we were both just so battered by submitting ourselves to societal bullshit. Cliff left a well-paying finance job, sold the car, left the house. And I abandoned an apparently promising career in corporate recruitment. We’re studying to become personal trainers. To share our passion for physical fitness that we both initially selfishly used to help ourselves get out of our stories.
We talked over a drink one night after our lectures and realised that we liked the same music. We kept in touch texting sometimes (I still insist that Cliff was pursuing me the whole time, he denies… I’ll let you pick your side of the story) We went out dancing once. Then one day in August at Notting Hill Carnival I had my purse nicked and was left with no money. Cliff being the good friend (wink, wink) that he was invited me out for a dinner over the weekend, after which we went for a long walk by the river Thames. And sat on a bench just by London Bridge till the early hours, sharing what we’ve just both shared with you and the rest is history…
Over the years, we grew immensely and not just as a business but more so as people. From personal training, we stepped into nutrition, then nutritional therapy and functional medicine. From there personal growth, mindset, emotions, energy and spiritual healing. All as a natural part of our story became part of what we do and how we serve you. And what we’d both want you to know is that one of the most important things we’ve realised, somewhere along the way was this:
“how you do one thing is how you do everything”
And while still on the hamster wheel, long before we even met, doing all the things we thought we were supposed to… While thinking we can somehow sacrifice and suffer our way to fulfilment. In hindsight, we both now see how we learnt to say NO! Multiple times,
WE SAID NO to several bosses that wanted to take us both for a ride with their antics
WE SAID NO to people that loved us and our work so much that they wanted us to stay and grow within their business, but we knew we weren’t here to be living somebody else’s dream really
WE SAID NO to opportunities of growing our own first business that we set up purely because we both wanted to go off and travel around the world for a year
WE SAID NO to relationships that didn't serve us and circumstances that didn't support us
And yes, there were (and still are) people calling us CRAZY and yet still we never looked at anything as a FAILURE!
FOR US FAILURE SIMPLY DOESN'T EXIST and it's only in the last few years that we truly understood how that BELIEF shaped us and the life we are now living.
I now know that we continued the 'search' purely because we remained CURIOUS! We kept asking what else was possible! And somewhere, somehow – we took responsibility. Regardless of how our HEALTH was a mess, our BUSINESS struggling, our RELATIONSHIP at points felt broken, our HEADSPACE twisted, confused and lost - we kept moving. And then one day we realised that there's always a BREAKDOWN before a BREAKTHROUGH and all those moments were beautiful lessons that taught us both over and over that:
This LIFE is nothing but a FUN GAME!
And all the epic stuff we’ve created, THE UNLIMITED LIFE that we’re now living (and yes there are still challenges and hardships – we just look at them differently now as we know they do not change us and our values as people). All this is a REFLECTION of how much we are WILLING TO PLAY and a direct reflection of how much we are WILLING to LOVE ourselves MORE and MORE. Self-acceptance, trust and compassion – is what keeps us here!
And we are ALWAYS the ones DRIVING this VEHICLE we chose as our body!
And NO, it does not have to be HARD!
And in fact, the harder you make it, the further away you are moving from the EASE and FLOW that life brings with it when you're ALIGNED and on point and take actions that lead you towards your desires! No matter what's happening - it's happening FOR US as we have CREATED it, even if sometimes it shows as a relationship breakdown, a serious health issue or a death of a loved one. Anything like that or else that someone deep asleep may describe as terrible and unfair. And yet, when you AWAKEN you see the beauty in it all, the purpose and the drive to SERVE YOU to live YOUR UNLIMITED LIFE! Whatever you take out of our story is YOURS forever.
And now it is time, for you to ask yourself: